Drizzt- possible to pickpocket early and still attack later?

Is it possible to pick pocket Drizzt early in the game without him walking off, so that you come back later when you're a higher level to kill him and get his armour etc.? I'm assuming not, that it's really one or the other, but am not sure...
You don't need to be invisible. Drizzt won't talk to you if you don't talk to him. So as long as you don't fail a pick pocket and make him go hostile he should still be blue and waiting to be talked to.
BTW How high a pickpockets score do you need to reasonably reliably pickpocket him?
I drank 4 of those on my CHARNAME F/M/T that had 35 PP and succeeded two times in a row no problem.
35 + potion of perception did the trick for me
It isnt possible to steal everything from him anyway in vanilla bg anymore after some patch. Probably the same in bg:ee.
20 -10
19 -10
18 -9
17 -8
16 -7
15 -6
14 -5
13 -5
12 -5
11 -4
10 -4
9 -3
8 -2
7 -2
6 -2
5 -2
4 -1
3 -1
2 -1
1 0
Thanks, no big deal at all then for evil parties (cackle)! :-)
If you want to have one of your party members thrust the Helm of Opposite Alignment on the member that you want to equip Twnikle, hold them down, force it into their hand, and then have your Cleric cast Remove Curse on them before you let them go.
You will then have a evil party member wielding Twinkle.
Occasionally it will unequip so I keep the helm around to reequip it.
Honestly, not worth the trouble, but for role playing purposes I enjoyed this one play through. The idea of my all evil party restraining a member, turning them good, force equiping them, and then removing the helmet while restrained so they couldn't go all goody goody on me was amusing.
Safana now has the +3 Scimitar (the one with Fire Resistance only, as she's not good)! :-)
I might come back when I'm a (much) higher level to see if I can kill him for his armour...
BTW as an experiment, I tried with just one potion of Mastery Thievery + Luck afterwards (125% pickpockets), and this failed twice in a row, with the second attempt making Drizzt go red.
This is for a duo run I'm doing with just CHARNAME (neutral evil Jester) and Safana, so I'm up for trying all the tricks in the book as long as they're not complete cheese (like surrounding Drizzt with NPCs I've kicked out to prevent him moving).
BTW I went to the Carnival stores to see what Drizzt's Scimitars would sell for:
Twinkle (the one that gives +2 AC): 5500 gold
Icing Death (the one that gives 50% fire resistance*): 3775 gold
* though this incorrectly shows the icon for cold resistance on the character sheet, though correctly says 50% fire reistance at the bottom of the sheet - I hope it *is* giving fire resistance not cold resistance, as the former is much more useful!
I sold Twinkle (will go towards the Dagger of Venom for my Jester...), as have no one that can use it, but am keeping Icing Death for Safana.
Also, does Alora's pickpocket score factor in the +2 Luck she gets from her Lucky Rabbit foot, or not?
I also didn't talk to Drizzt afterwards, so he's still standing there if I want to try to kill him later. I think, even though I've stolen his scimitars, he still attacks as if he still has them, though...
Speaking of Drizzt and jesters... The song ignores magic resistance, so Drizzt can be confused, right?
On the downside,h is save vs spell is 7, so it's unlikely to work unless you spam him Greater Malison and Doom (will those spells work on him, with 98% resistance? They have no save and he's not 100% resistant, so I'm assuming they would?)