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[BUG] Multiple Ghost Knights in Firewine have incorrect sound

agrisagris Member Posts: 581
Observed Behavior: When you enter the square room containing the ghost knights inside Firewine Bridge, they sequentially play a 'ghostly' sounds. One or two of the knights, however, play the 'eagle soaring' sound to be found in outside maps where eagles/hawks are visible. This is not the sound they play upon talking to them, but rather their first sounds when you encounter them (with feedback turned up, circles appear around their feet while they play the sound). Version is 2012

Expected Behavior: no eagle/hawk sound from ghosts.


  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Fun fact: The stereotypical "eagle screech" that is used everywhere from movies to video games (including BG) is actually not a sound that bald eagles make. In reality it is the cry of the red tailed hawk that we are hearing. Bald eagles make more of a squeak/chirp sound.

    As for the bug I noticed that the Firewine ruins may be using the wrong sound set. It had different music from what I remembered in the original but I was too busy butchering a legion of bouncing kobolds to notice anything else out of place.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @Jalily did you enter this into the tracker?
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    It's already in there.
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    It is actually neither an eagle nor hawk sound, but the winter wolf sound (wwolf07.wav). Some of them do have a shriek sound assigned, but it was a typo so you would never have heard it (ambe06b - should've been amb_e06b). Maybe someone "fixed" this and this is the problem? If so, it's a random selection so you'll hear either the wolf howl or the shriek with a 50/50 chance whenever you click on a knight (otherwise it's always the wolf howl). Seems a bit odd that ghosts should sound like wolves.

    A better fix would be to give them all Ulcaster's soundset. But he has ghast sounds, so better than that would be to give them all the shadow*.wav sounds (as per mshd.2da which is used for wraiths etc. in BG2). Best solution would be to give them spectre sounds but that would involve heisting files from IWD or something.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    Good sleuthing.
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