Problem with number of spawning enemy

I can't seem to locate the thread detailing the most recent patch, but I was sure that the problem of only having single opponents spawn (rather than the 6 or so there usually are) was fixed.
However, I just restarted and the first few enemies I met we're single gibberlings and wolves. They were always encountered in groups in the original BG.
Is this deliberate (perhaps to avoid hitting the XP cap) or is it still a known issue.
I don't know whether anyone even cares - I can't see anyone else mentioning it.
However, I just restarted and the first few enemies I met we're single gibberlings and wolves. They were always encountered in groups in the original BG.
Is this deliberate (perhaps to avoid hitting the XP cap) or is it still a known issue.
I don't know whether anyone even cares - I can't see anyone else mentioning it.
They are better now than they were prior to the patch that fixed them tho.
(on a serious note: I do not experience a lack of enemies in my games.)
Thanks for the replies. I'll carry on and see if the number of enemies increases as I level up.
And yes, I really miss those days of 8 or 9 elite bandits shooting ice arrows at charname.... Ouch!
i love these moments
edit: dafuq i replied to myself?? good morning korlamaq