NPC wishlish for BG2:EE?

Does anyone have a particular new NPC type they'd like to see in BG2:EE? Personally I would love a new thief-type NPC. I still love the game to bits but I always found it severely lacking in that department. Imoen is good enough to take care of most traps and locks, but can take a long time to get back, Nalia's thief skills leave to be desired, Jan annoys the bejeebas out of me, and you can't keep Yoshimo. Because of this I often rolled as a thief or dual-classed as a fighter/thief upon hitting level 9, for maximum HP efficiency.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
What are your thoughts on the subject?
As for other NPCs, I'm not really sure what I'd like to see. A Barbarian would be interesting, since we haven't had one of them yet. I'd like to see some of the unexplored classes and kits represented.
Other than that, a bard that doesn't suck would be nice, perhaps a chaotic neutral Skald? Actually that would be nice for BGEE too...
Class-wise, thief is the one thing really missing, therefore my wishlist would mostly be "any decent class that isn't already in the game" (this can also mean kits, since some are very different from their base class) - half orc, gnome or dwarf, best female, simply because there aren't any yet. Those races have exactly one NPC representing them; all are male. So it would be nice for diversity to have them. Neutral-aligned would work best, so all types of parties can use them. Bonus points if they aren't stereotypes like "dwarf tank" or "half orc damage dealer", but a bit out of the box. If that means technically illegal classes, I'm ok with that. It works for Dorn, so others can do that, too.
I believe that's what led Nathan Willis to bring up the possibility of an evil female thief - not only does BG2 lack single-class thieves (apart from Yoshimo, I suppose), there's only one evil-aligned woman in the entire game (Viconia).
By the same token, Barbarian is now the only base class that isn't represented by at least one NPC in the series (Baeloth is a Sorcerer, so that's covered). And while we've had gnomes, tieflings, avariel, halflings and drow, @Kamigoroshi is absolutely correct in pointing out that we've never had female dwarves.
The solution seems simple, then: a female dwarf barbarian. Those are literally the last two gaps that haven't been filled yet, and one character could accommodate both.
Isn't Edwin the only pure class mage? How about a female dwarf mage or druid? I can see a lot awesomeness in such an illegal class, along the lines of rune mage, which could be reflected with an ability like Dynaheir's slow poison in addition to being a mage.
I know I'm being childish here, but basicly I like to have unique NPCs that I couldn't create as PCs.
I also really like that they announced an evil-thief NPC.
As I class I'm torn between Assassin and Shadowdancer. If she's a human I'd like her to be dual-classable (just to add more choice), if not I'd like her to be yuan-ti *cough*
In all seriousness, I see what you mean regarding the dwarf/fighter correlation, but there's a problem with the opposite scenario as well: none of the women in BG2 are designed for melee combat. Viconia, Nalia, Imoen, Aerie and Neera are all ranged/magical NPCs, and even Mazzy - supposedly a Fighter - is better with a bow than she is with a sword. I'd be okay with another dwarven fighter if it meant a woman could grab a two-handed sword and charge Irenicus head-on... Well, no - now we have Neera as well.
Have you tried the Valen mod? Chaotic evil Vampire Fighter/Thief. I've heard she's pretty cool, but I've never used her myself.
"Ages ago, a cult of humans worshiping a reptilian elder god recieved a "blessing" from their dark lord: their offspring all were part snake. Since then the breeding line has been polluted and mixed, producing purebloods (those least favored), half-breeds, and abominations (the truly blessed). A pureblood can pass for human 80% of the time. It has only slight differences from true humans, such as slit eyes, or a forked tongue, maybe even small fangs. Halfbreeds are part human and part snake."
Personally, I'd rather like to see yuan-ti half-breed NPC's in both of the Icewind Dale:EE's. Of course, I'd also like to see orc (full blooded ones, not half-orcs) NPC's as well.
Though I'm unsure if he should be elf or human. It might be better to go human and not make it seem like you should only romance elves (for the most part) in BG2.
and romancable NPC of one of the " shorty races" ( gnome , dwarf , halfing )
that can only be romanced by the PC who is a ( gnome or dwarf or halfing )
- Some form of Gnome Fighter or Berserker or Fighter/Illusionist
- An Elven Cleric (maybe Male?) that isn't like Kivan or Coran (I liked them but I want a new character)
- A non Tiefling bard, preferable jester or skald and a female
- A better Druid
- An evil or neutral fighter/cleric dwarf (possibly Yeslick's long lost nemesis?)
- a drow Ranger who fights with scimitars.....just kidding!!
I also would very much like a duergar and/or svirfneblin. Seriously, a Deep Gnome would be absolutely amazing. Probably a Fighter/Illusionist or somethin'.
New personality/character archetypes I'd like to see are a little harder to pin down. I think a more urban-friendly Druid would be an interesting inclusion. Maybe a Chaotic Neutral type with some revolutionary leanings/ideas, to contrast with Nalia's naive idealism. I like the idea of a swashbuckler; someone with Haerry's sense of poetry, drama, and flash without the fatalistic philosophy.
Duergar are my favorite, always have been and most likely always will be. Pathfinder (AKA 3.75 edition) makes them wonderfully playable.
Personality-wise, we don't have much to go on from the first game, but it seems like he could potentially bring a bit of cold professionalism to the party, which could be a welcome counterweight to the self-righteousness/self-pity/sociopathy most of the other NPCs offer.
You're also right that a Shar-Teel amazon achetype is suspiciously absent in BG2. I would prefer her to not be a dwarf though. I'd be fine with an elf or gnome or something in a berzerker/fighter/barbarian role, and have the classic melee races dwarf and half-orc do the casting or ranged stuff for a change. Maybe a dwarf specialized in throwing daggers, or a half-orc druid who sees her mixed heritage as part of a balance.
Mages, oops, forgot Neera. And as dedicated evil player, I never used any of the others long enough to see how good they are as casters. I just did their quests and ditched them. So I think I would settle for the female half-orc druid, if I had to pick exactly one NPC for the wishlist. BG2 could really use a druid with personality, too.
We're told that there's not nearly enough evil thieves in Baldur's Gate 2. We'll try and address that in BG2:EE