Priest lvl 3 spells

Hi guys, according to, I am supposed to have animate dead, Glyph of warding, remove paralysis and remove curse. But when I leveled Jaheira to level 5 druid, I have summon insects, call lightning, cure medium wounds and hold animal instead. Are druids suppose to have different spells then clerics or is this a weird thing?
Some divine spells are common to both classes, others are specific to each one.
Seriously, try a dual classed berserker 7/Druid 9 and enjoy the carnage (6/10 works too).
Generic clerics (which are all that are in BG, without Divine Remix), have access to every spell sphere except plant, animal, weather, and only receive minor elemental access.
Or at least that's how it's supposed to work, and is generally correct.... but Druids and clerics both get a few spells here and there they shouldn't have.
Druids and Clerics are both considered Priests, just as Paladins, Fighters, and Rangers are all considered Warriors. Priest is a subsection of Class, not a class itself. Druids and Clerics share some basic spells, but otherwise have different spell lists.
They've already got some spells that allow further choices when selected (such as Spell Immunity for instance), and this would condense the number of spell slots needed (and would actually be PnP accurate).
So say you have cure light wounds memorized. When you select it, it changes to the bar instantly to show Cure light wounds, and Inflict light wounds, then you pick the one you want, and cast.
looking forward to iron skins>SS swordspider>improved haste
it is going to kick ASS!