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Specialist Mages don't feel specialized

I don't feel like I'm a specialist in my school at all. Picking to specialist doesn't really do anything to that school (not sure if you get +1 to saving rolls for that school or other characters suffer -1 or not) and it just feels like a choice to get 1 more spell/level at the cost of what school you don't want.

I know its trying to follow d&d rules but it doesn't feel like your a specialist at all


  • _N8__N8_ Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2013
    Blame Wizards of the Coast.. d&d has never really tapped the full potential of the specialist mage. Specialists once utilized abilities other than just Int, though. I usually modify the class in my PnP games.

    The +1 bonus really shows though. Have you ever used Xan? Casting Sleep with him is a blast. Watch 20 people drop to the ground!

    The opinion of my MAIN MAN.. 34:35 til 38:00
    Post edited by _N8_ on
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013
    I would love to see a mod one day that gives specialists bonuses for casting spells within their own school.

    I'm not sure wehat the source of this is, but at Planet Baldur's Gate, for years, the description of specialists


    states the following:

    "When saving against spells within his chosen school, the specialist receives a +1 to saving throws. Similarily, the specialist's enemies suffer a -1 penalty when saving against spells cast by the specialist within his field."

    So I would like to see that actually implemented.

    And maybe they could be given one extra spell slot per level that can only be used for spells from their school.

    Finally, in addition I would restrict them from casting scrolls (from the quickslot) and using wands for spells in their opposition school(s). I.e., those items would be grayed out/unusable.

    Anyway, something like that would make a little more sense. It would feel more like a specialization. Beyond simply not being able to scribe spells from the opposing school(s).
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • ZoimosZoimos Member Posts: 81
    Maybe they could get 1 or 2 unique spells from that school at certain levels
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    For me, playing a specialist mage is all about attitude and role playing. I hold myself to strict rules such as that "Extra" spell has to be from the school of magic you specialized in. Call it my own "House" rule, but I think that is the way PnP was???

    Anyway, I don't min/max the spell list. Given a choice, I always go with the selected school when memorizing spells. Makes it a little limiting, but what the heck? It's role playing.
  • ljboljbo Member Posts: 177
    @_N8_ I thought only enemy mages incur a +1 penalty to saving throws against spells cast by one of our mage within his speciality.
  • _N8__N8_ Member Posts: 77
    ljbo said:

    @_N8_ I thought only enemy mages incur a +1 penalty to saving throws against spells cast by one of our mage within his speciality.

    Darn, you're right. The kit description is "May cast one additional spell per level". A placebo effect, I suppose. The class is even worse than I thought..

  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    edited January 2013
    I wish they were more like the [url=]Red Wizard prestige class of NWN2[/url], they felt more specialized. Although it could still be taken further, perhaps.
    NWN2Wiki said:

    Enhanced Specialization: Upon becoming a Red Wizard, the character becomes even more skilled at casting spells from his chosen school of specialization - gaining +1 to DC for spells requiring a save and +1 to attempts to penetrate spell resistance. Red Wizards also lose the ability to learn new spells and use scrolls from a second prohibited school of magic (already known spells are not lost, however).
    Specialist Defense: A Red Wizard gains a bonus to defending against spells from his specialist school. This bonus is +1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at 9th level.
    Spell Power: At 2nd level, The Red Wizard's effective caster level for determining level-dependent variable checks for spells is increased by +1. This bonus increases by +1 every even-numbered Red Wizard level, to a maximum of +5 at 10th level.

  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Specialist wizards are more like a rp-flavour in the game. There was a mod for ToB that gave each specialist wizard his own, unique and cool HLAs instead of the generic mage-HLAs, but that is neither here nor there..

    I fear there is little can be done within the game engine's limits as it is. Maybe specialists can be coded to learn and cast a different version of the spells in their corresponding schools, which impose penalty to saving throws, but coding that would be very complex and difficult, if possible at all.

    Actually, now that I think about it, a few new items usable by spesific specialists would be cool. Ofcourse, to make it balanced, every school should be represented by an item. So, an amulet usable only by diviners, a ring usable by enchanters, a dagger usable by necromancers, etc. These items can be found all over the game world. Nothing too powerful though, no 'dagger +5:destroyer of worlds, weapon of absolute and horrible death with no chance of save usable by necromancers only' (although I am sure Xzar would LOVE that) as not to highly encourage any specialisation more than another. Just to add a little flavour and coolness factor, is all.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    The BG2 Refinements mod added different high level abilities to each specialist mage. That was quite interesting.
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  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013
    Zoimos said:

    Maybe they could get 1 or 2 unique spells from that school at certain levels

    I'd make it one spell per level in the specialization school using spells from 2e AD&D and D&D 3.0 that never made it into the game. Or in some cases, depending on the school and spell level, if there aren't any good ones just make up some new ones.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The thing is, as boring as specialist wizards are, they're still markedly more powerful than generic wizards because of the bonus spell per day.

    The real problem is that school specialization shouldn't be a kit; it should just be an aspect of the class itself (like the ranger's favored enemy). Because it's a kit, it's dissected in the context of all the other kits in the game, which makes each specialization seem comparatively dull.

    Changing this may be more trouble than it's worth, of course. :)
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    not gonna lie

    Did not know about the -1 save penalty specialists have

    noober <
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    One idea I've toyed with is giving specialists spells in their school as innate abilities, via the CLABMAx.2da files. They could be more powerful - maybe a level higher than normal. So e.g. illusionists could get, say, Mirror Image as an innate right from level 1; and a 3rd-level spell at level 3, and a 4th level spell at level 5, etc.

    Problem is, to balance it I would want to drop their memorizable spells to be the same number as mages. But I think that's hard-coded.

    I'd definitely like to see more effective usages of the spells. Larloch's minor drain SUX in comparison to Magic Missile. Fixed damage, shorter range. Ok, at 1st-3rd level it is worth it, but not much after that. Oh, and doesn't effect undead, so....

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    I hold myself to strict rules such as that "Extra" spell has to be from the school of magic you specialized in. Call it my own "House" rule, but I think that is the way PnP was?

    This is how I remember it from PnP as well. Granted, in BG it'd only be a minor inconvenience at worse, since the popular specialties pretty much have good spells at every level anyway. I mean, the only level that would give Xan any pangs would be level 2. Likewise for the Gnomish Illusionists: "Shucks, you mean I have to prepare an Invisibility, 10' Radius spell?" If people actually played Diviners it might be a hardship for them, but who wants to give up Conjuration in the first place?

    Edit: Personally, I like playing Transmuters in PnP, but losing Abjuration hurts too much in BG2. No Breach, No Dispel/Remove Magic. Virtually all of the spell protections and the ways to remove them are cut off from you, along with more general protection spells like PfMW.
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Aosaw said:

    Changing this may be more trouble than it's worth, of course. :)

    If I knew how to make kits, I would instead remove the Mage specializations and then add in the Forgotten Realm mage orders as kits since you could cover the specialized schools that way, while giving flavor bonuses and restrictions to each one.

    You have things like the Red Wizards of Thay (Double specialized, double penalized, magic tattoos as you level) , Arcane Scholars of Candlekeep (Meta), Wychlaran/Vremyonni (Invokers )and Enchanters), War Wizards of Cormyr (or their charm-heavy internal mage 'police', the Alarphons), High Mages (Elven/Silverymoon), Shadowcrafters (Gnomish/Illusion), the necromantic Blackcloaks, Master Specialists (Abjuration), and keep the Wild Mage because it feels 'unique' enough.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    A number of posters seem to be suggesting there is some saving throw bonus or penalty for spells a specialist casts from his/her school - AFAIK this doesn't actually happen in BGEE or vanilla BG - specialists just get an extra spell per level and can't scribe scrolls of their oppossing school, that's all.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited January 2013
    Keep in mind, in PnP, every school specialization except Divination, Conjuration, or Illusion loses 2 schools, instead of 1 as they do in BG.

    Illusion loses 3 (Abjuration, Necromancy, Evocation), Conjuration loses Evocation and also Divination above 4th level (so they technically lose ~1.5 schools), Divination only loses one (Conjuration).

    BG basically traded out 1 lost school instead of giving you the other benefits/penalties (+15% chance to learning a spell from your school, -15% chance learning spells from other schools, +1 to saves vs your school, additional -1 save penalty adding on any spells you cast from your school)

    If properly implemented, they'd have to add all the shadow magic line of spells, as well as most of the illusory image spells to keep Illusionists from being completely screwed (the shadow magic spells can replicate most evocation or conjuration spells of up to 1 level lower then the shadow spell, but they only deal 80% of the normal damage (spells that don't deal damage, get 2 chances to save to avoid the effect), or 50% if the target saves vs the illusion component (and then gets to save again if the spell allows a save for further reduced/negated damage).

    Also some spells have multiple schools in PnP, and as long as you have access to one of the spell's schools, you could use it even if it's also part of a disallowed school.

    Specialists are also supposed to get some extra bonuses at high levels. They differ from school to school though.

    Too many to list and way too varied in benefits to generalize (several gain an additional +1 to saves vs their school or items/attacks that replicate those spells), though most get 2 effects, around 17 and another at 20, but here's divination, just as an example.

    Divination gets the most at 3 abilities. 17+ Complete immunity to divination spells cast by lower level non-Diviners. 19+, the ability to cast Find Traps, 3/day as a special ability. And at 20, the ability to cast the spell Divination once per day as a special ability, with no components required.
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013

    A number of posters seem to be suggesting there is some saving throw bonus or penalty for spells a specialist casts from his/her school - AFAIK this doesn't actually happen in BGEE or vanilla BG - specialists just get an extra spell per level and can't scribe scrolls of their oppossing school, that's all.

    Yea, that's my understanding as well. I don't think it was ever actually implemented.

    There has been a fair bit of discussion in Feature Requests about what to do for specialist mages. I would suspect that changing them may be difficult contractually. I would think that a mod probably offers the best chance to make them more interesting and fun to play.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I made a houserule : Specialists must have at least ONE spell memorized from that school . It was a PnP rule, and I believe it makes sense .
  • UnknownQuantityUnknownQuantity Member Posts: 242
    Aosaw said:

    The thing is, as boring as specialist wizards are, they're still markedly more powerful than generic wizards because of the bonus spell per day.

    The real problem is that school specialization shouldn't be a kit; it should just be an aspect of the class itself (like the ranger's favored enemy). Because it's a kit, it's dissected in the context of all the other kits in the game, which makes each specialization seem comparatively dull.

    Changing this may be more trouble than it's worth, of course. :)

    Mages and Sorcerers seem powerful enough without kits. I would rather have access to all spells than an extra spell slot per level though.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Ah yes, boosted saving throws are even MORE of a reason to go Divination.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I don't disagree, although I do think there's a missed opportunity in not making the attempt to create interesting but balanced mage kits.

    A shadow mage, for instance, would be an interesting addition that wouldn't necessarily need to be more powerful; a few unique spells over the course of your career would be enough to make it unique without being more powerful. Unfortunately, with so many existing "kits" there's never been the perceived need for new kits; so a class that should have gotten three kits is left with only one (wild mage).
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950

    For me, playing a specialist mage is all about attitude and role playing. I hold myself to strict rules such as that "Extra" spell has to be from the school of magic you specialized in. Call it my own "House" rule, but I think that is the way PnP was???

    Anyway, I don't min/max the spell list. Given a choice, I always go with the selected school when memorizing spells. Makes it a little limiting, but what the heck? It's role playing.

    LOL is that a picture of the hobbit in your avatar? =)
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  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited January 2013
    I played a game once with 4 specialist mages, a thief, and a cleric. (it was a SP game in MP mode). I made the specialists cast *only* the spells available within their specialization school. So, for example, at level 1 the Conjurer cast Grease, the Enchanter cast Sleep or Charm, the Necromancer cast Larloch's or Chill Touch, and the Illusionist cast Blindness. I had them use wands if the spell utilized was in their school (eg, Enchanter could use wand of Sleep). And I stuck with this constraint to the end. It was a blast. One of the funnest games I ever played.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • UnknownQuantityUnknownQuantity Member Posts: 242
    Aosaw said:

    I don't disagree, although I do think there's a missed opportunity in not making the attempt to create interesting but balanced mage kits.

    A shadow mage, for instance, would be an interesting addition that wouldn't necessarily need to be more powerful; a few unique spells over the course of your career would be enough to make it unique without being more powerful. Unfortunately, with so many existing "kits" there's never been the perceived need for new kits; so a class that should have gotten three kits is left with only one (wild mage).

    I see your point. I believe most of the kits that exist are more powerful than the base variant (even if that wasn't the intention). I realize some people would like some variety. Personally I feel the base classes are probably the best and most balanced. I'm not a big fan of kits or prestige classes that were introduced in 3rd edition. I find the most fun group experience comes with single class unkitted classes. At least that was my experience with Everquest as everyone played a role and you couldn't really survive without a well balanced group. It taught having to rely on other people to succeed. I know Everquest isn't D&D, but it is very close to 1st edition D&D from what I remember.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited January 2013
    Unless you're Bard or Necromancer...then you can tell the party to shove it.

    In PnP, Diviners lost the fewest schools (just 1) and got the most (3) and more powerful high level perks, to compensate for the general lack of benefit they get from direct specialization. Losing conjuration isn't as big a deal as it originally seems as the shadow line of spells in illusion can replicate the effects of conjuration and evocation spells, albeit with less effect (summoned creatures special abilities have no effect unless the target believes they're real, and only deal 50% of normal damage if they're disbelieved, 80% if they believe it). Not to mention, having a guaranteed slot reserved for divination, which are actually sweet in PnP, rather then cutting into your power as a plain mage is pretty awesome.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited January 2013
    In fact, the request of @Lemernis that the specialists are restricted from casting scrolls of the opposing school (from the quickslot) IS implemented already! Yesterday my illusionist/thief couldn't use a scroll of Larloch's in a fight.
  • ljboljbo Member Posts: 177
    Thanks for the info about save penalties not being implemented
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