A VERY premature question for the devs

Okay. This is just my curiosity working overtime, but I figure it's a forum, there's no harm in asking...
If there is indeed an evil female thief being added for BG2:EE, could you tell us her name?
If there is indeed an evil female thief being added for BG2:EE, could you tell us her name?

* The other obvious choice would be the potentially-unearthed Shadowdancer kit, but that has the same problem, really (15 points per level).
The things I'm most curious about is whether she'll only be introduced in BG2:EE, or whether we'll catch a glimpse of her in BG:EE.
I would have gone for a Duergar assassin encountered in the underdark myself.
We're told that there's not nearly enough evil thieves in Baldur's Gate 2. We'll try and address that in BG2:EE
BG2 needs a good single class thief. Yeah, and she should be cool, not irritating -OverhaulTrent
"she should be cool"
Confirmation of Swashbuckler kit then. Because everyone knows, pirates are cool.