Poor garrick

So it's not much of a secret that garrick doesn't get a lot of love. I was thinking about doing a RP type run where charname is a knight of some type, say a cavalier. And everyone knows knights travel with an entourage!
I thought garrick would be perfect for this role. I'm wondering if anyone has actually made him useful in combat?
I thought garrick would be perfect for this role. I'm wondering if anyone has actually made him useful in combat?
He's also cute, charming, funny, and he will write stories, poems, and songs about your adventures, raising your reknown around the land, and your party's morale.
Oh, and he can identify items without taking up first level arcane slots or making you go through the tedium and inconvenience of resting at inns for days at a time or paying hundreds of gold to merchants.
Brave brave sir robin, he bravely ran awwaaayhh
I've always used him to cast spells first and then use a crossbow with bolts of lighting and stunning.
With some judicious spell choices he can certainly be a help. Sleep, Blindness, Glitterdust, Charm Person, Horror, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold, Slow, Dire Charm, Haste, etc., are all good contributions to battle.
I would consider making liberal use of his pickpocket ability too, although a paladin would hardly approve.
Also, Bards level up fast ... so abuse spells that scale, e.g. Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb.
Immy, Garrick, Ajantis, Xan, Branwen (or Yeslick) i think would be a good rp group as you described.
Having Garrick in party with a cavalier detracts a bit from his usefulness though, seeing as you're immune to fear and can easily remove it, which is sorta what bard song is for...
Speaking of bards!
Besides, 1 level DOES matter a lot in my eyes. I don't have my Level 2 Mages memorize Magic Missile ... I don't have Mages memorize ANY Magic Missiles until Level 3, and I only start to place a lot of them once they hit Level 5. With a Bard, I start firing Magic Missiles FAR sooner in the game, which is quite useful. I can't be the only one who plays this way. Definitely go with Xan. He sounds like he would fit the ticket pretty well actually. Furthermore, with Garrick around you can bring up the lack of Evocation. Sure, you won't be firing around 12 Magic Missiles a day a la Edwin but you won't be super lacking, either. I've actually had a party where my two Arcane casters were Xan and Garrick and they worked surprisingly well together.
And yes, he is a charming and optimistic person, which makes his terrible stats somewhat more bearable. Bard song is useful for removing fear though, I will say, and Garrick is a lot more tolerable than Eldoth, who sounds like he wanders through life bored at everything, even dragons.
I didn't see Garrick as a nice guy. He wasn't an evil guy, but he was true to his alignment of chaotic neutral. You didn't know what he was going to do. Basically you couldn't trust him for anything. Your first encounter with him he brings you to an evil aligned mage/thief to murder some innocent people.
Chaotic Neutral with high Wisdom seems like a contradiction in terms.
It also made me think of "Joxer the Mighty" from Xena.
the amount of love for python on this forum really puts a smile on my face. Lmao
Being a Cavalier (and thus immune to fear) is also a useful advantage.
I am at candlekeep and thinking:
Stalker charname
Imoen -> Alora
My other option was Dynaheir or Ajantis, but would be cool to try a bard for once.
EDIT: Any opinions/recommendations would be nice=)