A little help for Imeon

I'm not sure if anyone has thought of this or not. But you can buy her studded leather armor, a short sword and more arrows for her when she meets up with you the day after you get started. those things will help keep her alive with less trouble earlier in the game. If you run a mage you will have enough money to get her those things. However if you run a Cleric or Fighter You will not have as much to spend on her. it depends how much you want to spend on your main character and/ or her to start with.
There are kobolds on the road south that give you arrows. There are hobgoblins that have arrows and studded leather armor on the road to Nashkal. And it is all for free once you kill them. Or you can 'steal' it off of Montaron if you want.
Is she "roleplaying" by only having 20 arrows? No, her Intelligence is quite high. She would have planned ahead and been better prepared. Thus, I'm not "metagaming" -- I'm helping Imoen roleplay.
But she does tell you that she isn't going. You act surprised when she shows up. And who is to say that she wasn't planning on a simple trip to the friendly arm Inn in the company of Gorion and yourself? Who needs more than 20 arrows for that?
All in fun.
Didn't realize that all this time, I'd been a multi-class Doormat.
she has intellegence , but not much wisdom,
time was short and she was low on cash
an exception might be if you were taking a path that would not lead you to a shop early in your travels and even then a couple extra stacks of arrows would suffice since a leather armor for her now drops at the ambush site.