Monking the monk!?!?

Well i was planning to test a monk as main char on an alter game.
What do you think about maining a monk? im curious about this naked fight class
What do you think about maining a monk? im curious about this naked fight class

Good luck with that, low level monk is terrible but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
Give it a try, if you want, but I'd be prepared to give up if it gets too frustrating.
However, they are fragile so tread lightly (though there is a certain scimitar that gives 2 AC to good characters, lawful good monk boots for 2 AC, single weapon style for 1 AC, either a ring of protection for 1 or 2 more and with a dex of 18 that is 0 or -1 AC before the monk's natural AC bonus.)
In any case, monks wielding a weapon are limited to 1 APR. I also find it difficult to believe that Rasaad performs any better than average at high BG1 levels, having solo'd a monk through tutu. Unless, of course, by 'ridiculous' you mean he stands there wildly flailing until connecting for 6 damage.
IMO, until you have higher levels to get extra APR/better damage die on unarmed or until your strength hits a solid 19 from gloves/belt/tome, the scimitar's THAC0 bonus and AC bonus make it more worth while than unarmed (unless you want to stunning fist or have the black pit gloves of +4/+4 unarmed THAC0/damage).
At low levels, I go for the scimitar. If you aren't good/don't want to cheese the scimitar, there are some other decent one handed weapons to consider temporarily until you get better unarmed combat for the single weapon style bonus 1 AC. Or you could dart/sling and stay away from melee until you get better AC/unarmed combat. Many ways to play monks, and I absolutely think they are worth it if you are willing to put in some effort.
As for Rasaad, he can be useful (though he has nothing over a PC monk that is for sure. Especially since you can take his voice set #5 and his portrait). Though you should borrow him temporarily for his boots to take and for some awesome items in his quest if you don't want to keep him.
It is...eventually
I generally stick with single weapon until he gets that third attack, or when I get a strength boosting item for him (or another monk) for stunning fist. I agree, at high BG:EE levels, the single weapon loses its charm (lol at monks flailing wildly, very humorous image, especially Rasaad). In BG2, it is useful to keep a +4 weapon around for certain enemies however, since monks don't get that high with their fists (looks like Rasaad will be flailing around at Demi liches with Usuno's blade from Watcher's Keep).
EDIT: Doesn't say so in BG2 Character Creation, though I'm sure it does get to +4 @ level 20, considering there's no reason to introduce it in BG:EE.
Also, I have no idea what that other game is, so no info on that.
BG:EE says they get +4 at level 25, not 20. I trust in game reading over the horribly inaccurate manuals.
Good to know they implemented that though.
Still, it's a new addition to EE and I approve.
L20 Monk could not hit a Sorcerer under the effects of Improved Mantle (Requires +4)
- So I was wrong.
L24 Monk could not hit Sorc under effects of Imp. Mantle.
L25 Monk successfully hit and killed Sorc under effects of Improved Mantle.
- So Monks do get +4 at level 25. I knew I wasn't making it up!
Was all of that in BG2?
Well, level 25 required Throne of Bhaal, so that might have been where they added it in.
Thank you for the testing as I lack the intelligence/skills to do so
Do not use monk as a tank, but a specialised, high speed, precision-strike guy. Hide in shadows, approach an enemy who either has a ranged weapon or is a spell caster. Activate stunning fist and attack from shadows. BAM! You'll get +4 to hit for attacking from shadows (if the enemy had a ranged weapon, your bonus jumps to +8) so you will score a hit more reliably and the victim may be stunned. And stunning a spell caster or ranged attacker is nice! You can kite melee fighters easily. Archers and mages, not so much. When melee guys attack you, retreat to the party and let real tanks handle the tough guys while you jump in and out of the melee with your monk speed and stunning fists, before enemies can retaliate. As a bonus, monks do have nice saving throws overall vs spellcasters, and their natural AC vs missiles is impressive, equip girdle of piercing and boots of avoidance too, and most ranged enemies will have hard time to hit you.'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts#Monks
+4 fists at level 25 as you've already found out, but the other information might be interesting to someone.
I wasn't really saying that the monk is a tank, I was merely throwing in survivability methods for low level monks. Yes they are fragile, they might not die right away, and they aren't meant to be tanks.
Also, I just made a solo monk trying stealth and hit and run tactics--difficult for sure, but fun. Inventory nearly full of darts and lots of kiting.