[Request] Improved ai Scripts
I'm not entirely sure if modders have made them for EE yet, but doesn't it seem weird that the default ones have been unchanged? I want my thief to hide in shadows, detect traps, and backstab. If I've dual classed him into a Mage I want him slinging spells all over. If he's hurt and about to die I want him to see if he's got a potion in the quick slot and use it.
Yeah I'll leave it at that
The characters I installed with weidu didn't get the same benefits several of the vanilla characters did. Also, the mod heavily messes with the dialog.tk file.
Another issue I didn't like was when my theif (Imoen) was 75 in detecting traps, she didn't automatically do it when I was walking around a dungeon until I made her good at hiding in shadows.
I'm not saying BP was bad in the slightest and can't judge Yovaneths scripts yet as I haven't played them, however I still think the BG team should create scripts so users like me don't need mods to correct ancient ai scripts. It would not violate their contract in the slightest and would make a major improvement on the overall feel of the game.
From what I understand, workarounds with the dialogue.tk had to be used to implement custom scripts where the devs could have done it themselves and made the game much smoother.
Yes please.
Personally I'm just surprised at how little I've seen better A.I (and A.I scripts) being brought up. So far after going through many, many pages of (post-release) feature requests I believe this is the fourth A.I related request I've seen.