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Bard Song and Turn Undead buttons

I'd like to script these to behave entirely differently from how they do now. Is that possible?

In my experience, these modal buttons interact very poorly with behavior scripts. For example, a Cleric with a ranged weapon will frequently stop turning undead in order to take a shot at an enemy. If turning undead behaved more like a spell -- with a casting time, and possibly even a spell chant & animation -- then clicking it in the middle of combat would be far less frustrating.

Similarly, my Bard's music is too often disabled by his ranged attack script. I'd like to re-work Bardic music entirely, which could involve changing the button's behavior, or simply removing it and using Innate / Item buttons for special effects.

I didn't see this specifically in the Consolidated Externalization Requests thread (though externalization of bard songs might be useful if I can re-use some of those effects).


  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
    It would be also great to be able to replace these buttons with other abilities for modders.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Isn't this more of a problem with the current scripts than with the buttons? There is definitely a need for a better Bard script to be shipped with the game, though. I know there are third-party ones, but most of these do *more* than I want a script to do
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited February 2013
    I definitely do not want this changed by default. Bard Song and Turn Undead are supposed to be restrictive because they can both be very powerful. Lets keep in mind this supposed to be D&D (though the rules are often stretched) where you cannot do anything else, but these abilities.

    The externalization of Bard Song would make it so you can change the ability. I assume the same is true for Turn Undead. Right now there are other priorities, but when the team jumps back into the code for BG2, they may have more time to look at something like this.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited February 2013
    Actually, PnP Bard song in the hand-book has a 3 round cast time (it takes 3 rounds of singing to take effect, but can move while doing so), 10ft per level radius, allows the choice of +2 morale, +1 hit, or +1 saves, and lasts 1 round per bard level after they stop singing (they're not required to keep singing once the song takes effect, but can continue to do so until they're interrupted by damage or take another action to prolong the effect), the HLA Bard song allows them to apply all 3 bonuses at once, reduces the singing time to 1 round and causes it to last an additional 5 rounds, the HLA skald song is similar but merely reduces the singing time to 1 round, and allows their song's effect to continue for 5 rounds after they take damage)), but can't be used in direct combat, but could be re-applied if they withdrew from direct battle (Would have a similar requirement to thief traps/stealth, cannot be use in LoS of the enemy, if properly implemented in BG).

    The Bard (and Skald)'s Counter-song is what the current bard song most resembles. It requires their full attention, can be used in direct combat, and for each round of singing allows allies who are affected by mind effecting spells or morale break/fear to reattempt their save every turn as well as having a chance to block speech based spells while active (Command, Suggestion, etc etc, it allows those effected an immediate 2nd chance to save if they fail the first time or if the spell doesn't normally allow a save it allows them one chance to save vs spells to avoid the effect)

    The Skald song works similar except there are 6 possible effects (+1 hit, +1 damage, +2 morale, +1 ac, +1 saves/6 levels, +1 max hp/level), and for every 3 levels of Skald another effect can be added per song, and unlike the Bard song, lasts until the Skald takes damage when engaging in melee combat (they can sing while engaging in combat, but the song ends immediately if they take damage) or if they stay at ranged 1 round per skald level, since they're not as inspiring if they hang back like a chicken (which isn't as bad as it sounds since PnP Skald can wear up to plate mail).

    Turn Undead is actually working 100% correct for 2nd edition. The cleric must present their holy symbol and focus their divine power while chanting hymns and verses of their faith, preventing other actions more strenuous then movement during turning attempts. (A silenced cleric turns undead at only half his level, since the chanting is required for full effect)
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
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  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    Isn't this more of a problem with the current scripts than with the buttons? There is definitely a need for a better Bard script to be shipped with the game, though. I know there are third-party ones, but most of these do *more* than I want a script to do

    It's both, but the modality of the buttons is something which should be externalized. What I want is two things:
    1 - The ability to fix the existing system so it annoys me less in play; and
    2 - The ability to REPLACE the existing system so it works differently.

    Fixing scripts could reduce my annoyance in (1), but does nothing to help me with (2).

    @ZanathKariashi & @Bhalldog

    It sounds like you are both rather hostile to the idea of changing BGEE mechanics, even when those mechanics don't work for the video game, or when they differ from your favorite D&D edition.

    If the mechanics are working for you, that's great: don't install any mods which change them. But also, please don't try to get in the way of people who DO want to change them.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    If BG is going to claim to be based on 2nd edition, then you expect it to follow at least the core mechanics, which at current is a haphazard mess of this does, and this doesn't, and this completely made up, and there's no consistency at all. None of which are sacrifices and the core 2nd edition mechanics could be easily implemented in their entirety.

    The game is unfairly biased towards some classes, not because that isn't just the way the system is, but because of laziness for implementing the class properly. Bard's being a poster child for this. Their F'ing song, their one truly unique ability doesn't even work the way it's supposed to, not to mention their high level spell progression isn't implemented properly (up to 8th level starting at level 27), and they can't place multiple points in Two Weapon style which ALL rogues are supposed to be able to do (Blades start with the equivalent of 0/-2 (or equal to *** in BG) in PnP and their offensive spin is a 1 round cast that causes their next attack to make the enemy run in fear for 5 rounds) , while swashbucklers are actually specialists at single weapon style (They can specialize 1 one weapon out of a select list of weapons (gaining the extra +1 hit, +2 damage, and +1/2 attack as normal), when wielding any of those select weapons (not just their specialized one) they use the warrior thac0 table, and when wielding one of the select weapons with their off-hand free they can make an additional attack each round, but can't backstab since they traded more general combat knowledge for specifics of anatomy like most other thieves study).
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    If BG is going to claim to be based on 2nd edition, then you expect it to follow at least the core mechanics, which at current is a haphazard mess of this does, and this doesn't, and this completely made up, and there's no consistency at all. None of which are sacrifices and the core 2nd edition mechanics could be easily implemented in their entirety.

    Two things:
    1 - Emulating 2e PnP is a fine goal, but it's not my only goal in requesting this feature.
    2 - BGEE is a video game. It must work well as a video game. Period.

    The game is unfairly biased towards some classes, not because that isn't just the way the system is, but because of laziness for implementing the class properly.

    Implementing a better 2e PnP emulation of the bard song would be possible with the features that I'm requesting, but that's not the only use for them.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Temple of Elemental Evil says hi. Almost every rule in the core book could've been implemented, and I feel that true turn-based would have actually VASTLY improved the game experience over the hybrid real-time one currently in the game.

    I get what you're saying though, don't misunderstand me about that. I just feel that the parts that are working correctly for 2nd edition, should be left as they are. I don't mind opening up the system for modders to make the changes they want, but I would prefer that any core changes to the game bring it closer to PnP rather then away, since the game is already a joke compared to even BG1 due to all the new engine exploits and over-powered mechanics introduced in BG2 and EE.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    Temple of Elemental Evil says hi. Almost every rule in the core book could've been implemented, and I feel that true turn-based would have actually VASTLY improved the game experience over the hybrid real-time one currently in the game.

    I gotta re-install that now that the Co8 mod is finished, and the HUGE number of bugs are allegedly stomped out. It was damn near unplayable when I bought it. (I did kill Iuz, though.)

    I get what you're saying though, don't misunderstand me about that. I just feel that the parts that are working correctly for 2nd edition, should be left as they are.

    You can leave things as they are if you want. Won't hurt my feelings at all.

    You shouldn't try to stop people who want to change things, though.

    You seem like a smart and reasonable person, so this is probably not your intention, but coming in to this thread just to try to talk me out of trying to fix something that I dislike? That's borderline thread-crapping. Please don't do that any more.

    Thanks, -- N
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    It's not so much about talking you out of fixes you want, I have nothing against them opening up more mechanics for modders to play with, since the more that can be changed, the more likely a super mod for making everything as close to PnP as possible can be a reality, it's more defending accurate processes in the Core game itself. I have no problems at all for 3rd party changes, that's fine, it's just these feature requests, the first thing that jumps into to mind is asking the developers to make changes to the base game, rather then simply making the files available for someone to make a mod for the unofficial changes they want.

    I'm not as good at articulating what I'm trying to get across as I'd like to be.

  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    I definitely do not want this changed by default. Bard Song and Turn Undead are supposed to be restrictive because they can both be very powerful. Lets keep in mind this supposed to be D&D (though the rules are often stretched) where you cannot do anything else, but these abilities.

    The externalization of Bard Song would make it so you can change the ability. I assume the same is true for Turn Undead. Right now there are other priorities, but when the team jumps back into the code for BG2, they may have more time to look at something like this.

    @bigdogchris - I agree that the abilities are rather powerful, but IMHO it's not valid to balance "powerful effect" with "bad interface".

    I'd much rather have a LESS powerful effect with an easy-to-use interface. IMHO that's a recipe for a better experience.

    I'm happy to mod these less powerful effects myself, but I need the BGEE devs to give me the tools to do this.

    Finally, with ToB HLAs on the table, the whole Bard Song balance across kits breaks down: kits which were previously balanced around inferior songs are brought up the same level, but they get to keep all the perks. Specifically I'm looking at the Blade.

    I have an idea to fix this, and it'll even make it useful to have multiple different Bards in the same party at once, but I'd like to be able to change how the button works. Worst case scenario I could just disable the button and use Innate buttons for my new effects, but that seems less desirable.

    Thanks, -- N
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    Bhaaldog said:

    Concerning the Turn Undead ability, when your cleric is at a really high level, the effects such as exploding vampires, seemingly becomes very quick so you do not notice as much switching between actions such as combat and turning undead. From a role play perspective I see this as reflecting the cleric's increased experience and ability to focus. As @ZanathKariashi pointed out the Turn Undead ability works as intended.

    The turn undead button would work as desired IF characters didn't frequently stop turning undead and attack them breaking the turn -- even using the none script.

    All I want is to be able to click the turn undead button or search for traps button and be sure that when the opportunity comes that character will turn undead or search for traps. I hate having to click undead and then check back 5 times over the course of the round to be sure that character hasn't decided to react to being attacked by breaking off the turn undead or searching activity.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    This topic is unnecessarily long, answer is simple.

    When we click on bard song/turn undead/find trap button, our character doesnt stop until we click again.
    Even if you will want attack someone or cast spell, you will must turn it off first.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    AHF said:

    I hate having to click undead and then check back 5 times over the course of the round to be sure that character hasn't decided to react to being attacked by breaking off the turn undead or searching activity.

    Yeah, that is super frustrating.
    Edvin said:

    When we click on bard song/turn undead/find trap button, our character doesnt stop until we click again.

    That's part, the other half is ability to mod.
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