In fact they have failed at giving Shar Teel proper weapon specialization.

Currently, Shar-Teel at level 2 has the following weapon proficiencies :
** Dual wielding
* Long swords
* Daggers
This specialization prevents her from using long swords and daggers efficiently as a warrior, and does not give here at all the opportunity to use a bow (because she has a very good dex).
As a dualled fighter / thief, she won't have as much TAC0, and could benefit with *** ore more in one weapon.
Ideally, you can dual her at level 3 (for 1 pip), level 6 (1 pip) 7 (additional extra attack)
With thief dualling she can gain : 2 pips from level 1, and 2 pips at level 4 and 8.
Starting specialization should rather be the following :
** Long swords
** Daggers
This would allow us more opportunities of character development :
- you can give her *** or **** (***** with thief levels) in either long swords and daggers
- if you want to make her deadly with bows, you can (up to *** (and more) with thief levels)
- You can make her wield X-bows, sling, darts or whatever you prefer
- if you want her to dual wield, you also can with the ** and the additional stars from thief levels.
- If you want to give her *** in either daggers or swords, you would also be able to do so.
- if you want to give her single weapon specialization (ideal for backstabbing !!!), you could also do it (it's not useful to backstab with two weapons, and greater mastery in your weapon of choice will deal more damage.
- if you want her to wield short bows instead of long bows and still have *** in it, you can.
With little hope, they'll reconsider their choices (fortunately Shadowkeeper exists against poor design decisions),
Feel free to discuss.
Examples of character development:
-Example 1 :
** long bow ** at level 6
* in single weapon spec as thief 1
* put where you want it as thief 1
*** long bow at level 4
** single weapon at level 8
- Example 2:
*** in long swords and/or daggers
* single weapon thief 1
* short bow at thief 1
*** short bow at thief 8
And so on !
** Dual wielding
* Long swords
* Daggers
This specialization prevents her from using long swords and daggers efficiently as a warrior, and does not give here at all the opportunity to use a bow (because she has a very good dex).
As a dualled fighter / thief, she won't have as much TAC0, and could benefit with *** ore more in one weapon.
Ideally, you can dual her at level 3 (for 1 pip), level 6 (1 pip) 7 (additional extra attack)
With thief dualling she can gain : 2 pips from level 1, and 2 pips at level 4 and 8.
Starting specialization should rather be the following :
** Long swords
** Daggers
This would allow us more opportunities of character development :
- you can give her *** or **** (***** with thief levels) in either long swords and daggers
- if you want to make her deadly with bows, you can (up to *** (and more) with thief levels)
- You can make her wield X-bows, sling, darts or whatever you prefer
- if you want her to dual wield, you also can with the ** and the additional stars from thief levels.
- If you want to give her *** in either daggers or swords, you would also be able to do so.
- if you want to give her single weapon specialization (ideal for backstabbing !!!), you could also do it (it's not useful to backstab with two weapons, and greater mastery in your weapon of choice will deal more damage.
- if you want her to wield short bows instead of long bows and still have *** in it, you can.
With little hope, they'll reconsider their choices (fortunately Shadowkeeper exists against poor design decisions),
Feel free to discuss.
Examples of character development:
-Example 1 :
** long bow ** at level 6
* in single weapon spec as thief 1
* put where you want it as thief 1
*** long bow at level 4
** single weapon at level 8
- Example 2:
*** in long swords and/or daggers
* single weapon thief 1
* short bow at thief 1
*** short bow at thief 8
And so on !
She is far superior , few other NPC are that good.
The nice thing is you can dual her to Thief at Fighter 3 and get her Fighter skills back pretty quickly. When she reaches Thief 5 she'll get the backstab multiplier x3. (The multiplier x2 still gives good results until then.) And with her massive Strength and dual-wielding an enchanted Long Sword with the Dagger of Venom, she will deliver some very impressive backstab damage--and she can follow right up as a great meleer without getting hit much since her Dex is 17 to begin with. She'll probably chunk a lot of mages outright from the shadows; but should they survive the backstab, the dagger of venom's poison will interrupt their spellcasting and finish them off. And whenever there's an armored cleric amongst the enemy she'll be the go-to as such.
She can still be used well as a plain Fighter dual-wielding Long Sword and Dagger, though. I forget the particulars now, but with a THACO-boosting dagger in the offhand she still figures to be a very powerful meleer.
It is said (on these forums and around) that you deliver backstabs with only your fastest weapon (not the two weapons simultaneously).
So it is more interesting, backstab wise to be specialized in single weapon for better criticals (and better armor) and so on I guess (with bow/X-Bow on the other slot.
"Dorn must have constitution 16! Shar teel must have prof in bow! Kagain has illegal stats! Imoen should be specialist!"
Their proficiencies match their backgrounds. As a "duelist" , Shar Teel is supposed to be a warrior of quick attacks and initiative rolls. By dual wielding a long sword and a dagger she does it like a pro.
Besides, she starts at level 2, so you can simply have her specialise and train with the bow as she progresses.
She was just stripped from her two-handed sword because Dorn arrived.
Fighting against people in duel do not mean you have a sword and dagger, though, often, rapier-using-people had a backup dagger for steak attacks on their opponents
Her good dex was making crossbows / bows a good second choice of weapon (and the fact she does not equip a shield with a 2handed sword).
I know that BG:EE introduced the weaopon style of BG2, but they are poorly chosen (it is a complete decision from BG:EE devs, not a choice from original BG team).
Quite the same thing as when BGtutu / BGT had the stupid idea of removing the bonus pips from Coran or give him the SHORT BOW proficiency (yes they did this, but later restored it after the complaints from the gamers).
I don't mind her proficiencies. She's a NPC, and by far not the only one with "wrong" pips. Why in the world would Xzar, one of the squishiest mages, be proficient in daggers, without the strength/dex to use throwing daggers efficiently, instead of sling or darts? He has 17 intelligence, he must realize melee isn't his thing and ranged daggers don't work for him either. No-one complains, so why point fingers at Shar-Teel?
If I want a party that suits my preferences for each class perfectly, I multiplayer with myself and create all 6 party members. With NPCs, I treat them as a roleplay should: people I met on the way. They have their own preferences and styles, and it's up to me if I can work with that or not. If not, I take someone else along. That's really not a problem with the legion of NPCs BG1 has.
You may not like it, but it's not WRONG. It's just a decision you disagree with, and can change with the editor if you feel strongly enough.
Being highy specialised in a single weapon may be the powergamers choice for single class fighters, but it's not compulsory.
Now, you have Dorn which is the the glass cannon and Shar-Teel is much more versatile. You can have her dual-wield, go with sword and shield, dual to a Thief for huge backstabs and she has better AC than Dorn too.
If you really hate that she has "wrong" proficiencies, just change them. I changed Jaheira to Neutral Good when I played with Tutu as it fit more to her personality and she wouldn't complain all the time with my 20 Reputation Paladin and all-good team.
I'm more worried about Sarevok in BG2EE ToB when he might overlap with Dorn.
Alternatively, spare Dorn any embarrassment and just take Sarevok. Something along the lines of "no no Dorn, you ARE more powerful than Sarevok, but you know, he's family. in fact i have so much confidence in your abilities, i don't think you really need all this stuff you've helped me murder and loot for. let me take it off you and give it to Sarevok"
This time, I have some alternatives which I am not a fan of. Commit a blasphemy and dual Sarevok to Thief or Mage.
Or have them use different weapons.
But, if we're lucky and get a evil (Fighter)/Thief/Assasin NPC in BG2 (which is MUCH needed), then the team would be like this: CHARNAME, Dorn, Viconia, Edwin, Korgan, new Thief NPC. Then in ToB we can dump Korgan or Dorn. Choices, choices.
If you're a min/maxer just SK everyone's stats to 25, 5 pips in all weapons and call it a day.
Everyone knows that you have to ditch Korgan for Sarevok. I mean why else would you keep Korgan around?
I kinda want the new Thief NPC to be a more interesting race than human.
Actually, I just read the thread about the WIP (?) Kits that were discovered.
I wouldn't mind a Neutral Evil Elven Shadowdancer for example and maybe a Chaotic Evil Dragon Disciple Sorcerer, AT ALL.
A Lawful Neutral/Good Dwarven Defender NPC would be fun too. Someone similar to Yeslick for BG2 and the counterpart to Korgan.