Mulitplayer Crash/Disconnects

Im trying to playing with 2-3 other players with myself as the host through direct IP. I have forwarded 47630, have no firewalls enabled and they have no issues connecting. We are able to play through the same area but when we zone to different area I hang on world map screen while they crash out.
After they completely crash and reboot their games, they are somewhat able to join, I see things on the Character Arbitration screen "Has Joined" then later "Has Left", I dont see their character names. On one particular instance we were able to chat with each other but I was unable to assign them to characters.
A reboot of the game on my end allows us to continue... until we have to zone to another area.
I looked around the forums for someone else with my issue and havent found anyone. Any ideas what the issue is?
After they completely crash and reboot their games, they are somewhat able to join, I see things on the Character Arbitration screen "Has Joined" then later "Has Left", I dont see their character names. On one particular instance we were able to chat with each other but I was unable to assign them to characters.
A reboot of the game on my end allows us to continue... until we have to zone to another area.
I looked around the forums for someone else with my issue and havent found anyone. Any ideas what the issue is?
Edit: also if you do have a crash/disconnect, ensure that all players restart the game, not just those who crash out.