Real life party...

So if you could choose to take 5 NPCs from Baldur's Gate saga and put them in our world, who would you pick? And what would they be to you? Girlfriend, boyfriend, just good friend, co-worker, nemesis..., and one more thing, you cannot specify them as relatives.
Minsc and Boo, just because I can imagine many situations when having a six-seven foot tall berserker as a friend would be very useful.
And Cernd; just to punch him in the face.
Sarevok- Assuming I can keep him loyal to me, he's a stunningly good businessman (even without resorting to murder). He'd get me rich as hell.
Aerie- Tough call on which romance-able NPC I'd want IRL... Most people seem to consider Aerie to be annoying, but in the real world I'd prefer her to pushy Jaheira or psycho Viconia.
Valygar- Another NPC that many people don't like, but if I'm riding Sarevok's coattails to financial success (and profiting from methods that might not be on the up-and-up), I'll want someone loyal to watch my back. Valygar is loyal, good, stealthy, effective, and won't get too hung up on the law for me to operate effectively.
Imoen- I don't have a specific reason why I'd want her around, except that I already have an RL brother and always wondered what having a sister would be like.
Boo- I wouldn't mind taking care of a miniature giant space hamster as a pet. Unfortunately, Minsc himself would probably be too much of a liability in the real world to keep around.
Make sure Eddie signs something; a verbal contract is only worth the paper it's written on. It could be fun, telling them there's treasure to be found in the sewers.
Lawful evil always keeps their promises in writing or verbal. Their word is as good as a paladins, you just better make sure you didn't leave anything open ended. Sometimes keeping their exact word... can have deadly consequences.
So the issue would be with how things were laid out, and that would be a problem verbal or in writing.
Imoen and Aerie would be surely welcome, too!
I would date Rasaad or Viconia - One is too cute and the other is too nasty hahaha
It is like dealing with a djinn, if you've got the wording iron clad you are fine, without a contract and without witnesses.
If you don't have the wording iron clad, you are screwed even if you have a contract and witnesses.
I don't think alignment is as inflexible as all that; he's a human, not a djinn. Edwin will think about what's best for himself; if another offer comes along, and he can get out of his current contract without incriminating himself, then I think he will. A hard copy and witnesses make his word more binding and more difficult for him to weasel out.
That's neutral evil.
This is out of the players handbook for lawful evil:
"He is loath to break laws or promises." and "He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order"
Where as neutral evil:
"She is out for herself, pure and simple."
This is why I find lawful evil the hardest alignment to role play. For me I mean.
But unless I'm very much mistaken, a lawful evil character takes their allegiances as seriously as a paladin would.
Also, I'd take Nalia, Aerie, Valygar, Mazzy, and Imoen.
To everyone that picked Viconia. I totally get that, I romance her 100% of the times I play BG2 (seriously haven't messed with the other 2 girls through an entire play through.) But, you do realize there is like a 99.999% chance she'd kill you right?
Edit 2:
I'd be a lot more scared of a neutral evil person writing my contract with the lawful evil person than I would be of the lawful evil person :P
I'd want Aerie, Keldorn, or Mazzy looking it over just to be safe.
Maybe Bodhi..