Imoen must die *Throne of Bhaal spoilers*

So I was playing ToB again and had killed all five the Bhaalspawn. At this point I was supposedly the only Bhaalspawn left alive and I went to the final boss for the ultimate battle for Godhood. The whole plot surrounded around all the Bhaal essence now being gathered and either Melissan or me would become the new God of Murder.
Then suddenly it occured to me:

My other party member is also a child of Bhaal. Did they overlook this when writing the storyline?
More accurate spoiler warning. -Jalily
Then suddenly it occured to me:

My other party member is also a child of Bhaal. Did they overlook this when writing the storyline?
More accurate spoiler warning. -Jalily
Post edited by Jalily on
As ToB was a rushed production, it's possible that this was simply overlooked. Or perhaps it was originally intended to set up Imoen as a major antagonist in an eventual sequel?
Personally, I think the PC should kill Imoen once you discover the truth, since it saves the possibility of backstabbery later.
But even so, it IS covered, she willingly gives up her Bhaal rights. You may not buy it, but I'm happy to. I love being a team with little sis...
It's not a very involved story, but it is consistent for the character and it does tie up loose ends.
Perhaps he willingly gave up is Bhaalspawn essence as well, I barely remember him (had to look his name up).
However, you can actually cast Horror on him to allow him to escape. It's a minor quest. Assuming you do, he wouldn't die when Saradush was sacked, though who knows what happens to him later.
-Imoen was asked by Solar what she wants to do. Imoen gladly gives up the last of her essence, NOT to the protagonist directly, but to the collective. This in and of itself isn't an unfair plotline, because Solar can ALSO extract your own godly essence so that you may live a normal, mortal life, so it goes to figure, why can't Imoen, who is standing right next to you, do the same thing?
-Viekang has always been an interesting and unresolved plot element to me, because of his unique ability to teleport away to a random place once he senses fear. @Madhax you're right the first time, it was Melissan who helped him out, and blocked his power. I don't think his ability would teleport him to a place that he would be fearful of, because the ability is a defense to it, so that just wouldn't make any sense. Viekang ALSO could not have been killed by hunters or other Bhaalspawn because ALL the other bhaalspawn that hadn't died yet were gathered in Saradush. If he then leaves Saradush, then he's basically safe. And even if he were to travel somewhere else with hunters, he would just teleport away again.
I remember try ascension, and I really liked how you could get Balthazar to fight alongside you in the last fight. I also remember the last fight was difficult as all hell and I didn't know how to survive it long enough to see what happens next...
I thought you were supposed to kill Imoen when she backtalks you outside of Candlekeep in BG1 and refuses to let you go without her? THEN when she shows up again in BG2 (obviously undead!) I thought you were supposed to kill her there too.
And I wish more than anything they do in BG2:EE would be to recorrect the story line back to the original intent and do that. I know they can't, and if they could I know they wont.
But it is stupid, real life is hard, and sometimes things don't work out.
Having worked all the way to Spellhold to save Imoen, to have her die in front of you, would have been truly epic story telling, have made the story make sense with the bhaal spawn essence, and made it take a nice dark turn that would have fit the setting. It would have made future dealings in SoA where it talks about giving into your rage of the Slayer make WAY WAY WAY WAY more sense.
Lawful good paladin charname giving into the rage of the slayer? Not buying it, but I sure would if Imoen had just been murdered in front of him.
It would also make more sense for Irenicus to have bhaal essence and to be fighting you in hell instead of having "half" of yours, if he had stolen Imoen's.
This would have made so many parts of the game better.
It made the story AWESOME, as the story should have been, (See above). BUT if they were going to be pressured by fans to keep Imoen alive, they should have also gone back on her being a Bhaal spawn, but they couldn't because they needed Irenicus to want her essence, so they should have not given into their fans.
And then make up tons of crap like you get mad enough to finally give into your rage and become the slayer even though you saved your sister, and that Irenicus is sharing your essence in hell at the end blahblahblahblah I said that all before I know, but they took the most epic story every and made it less epic than it would have been due to a bunch of whining asshats.