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Rasaad in BG1...?

I like all the new NPCs, don't get me wrong... but personally I think Rasaad would have been a better NPC to introduce in BG2, rather than BG1. He's a good aligned male, so basically, kinda simpler to romance anyways, and to top that off, he is SEVERELY underpowered in the first game. I can more than enough understand the need to curb him considering how amazing monks get at later levels.

I think my biggest issues are in Durlag's tower when a decent amount of enemies can't be hit by normal weapons, and his fists are normal weapons until level 9 (which is virtually not reached in BG1).

As an NPC in question, I think he's well thought out, and a great addition to any neutral or good aligned party. But in BG2, (since Viconia is there as well) his quest would not have lost its luster, and his class would have been much easier to impliment in that setting.



  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    I've been doing a run with Rasaad, and I've liked him so far. I gave him the gauntlets of dexterity to get his AC a -4 bonus, and then with his boots and a ring of princes I got him to a solid 0. He's bloody fast, which means he can maneuver easily from enemy to enemy in case he gets in danger. I gave Minsc the haste-boots, so I've pretty much been sending Rasaad and Minsc in at the enemies guns-blazing (erm...swords?) before my ranged characters even have the chance to raise their weapons.

    I use his fists when I can, but in the cases when magical weapons are needed, I just have him use Rashaad's Talon, the +2 scimitar. His romance is one of the simpler ones, but I think it's cute, all poetic and stuff. :) I get the feeling my bard can appreciate a man who admires the moon as much as she does.

    I agree, he'll definitely be much more efficient in Baldur's Gate 2, but once you get him up in levels in Baldur's Gate 1, he's not too bad.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Bhaaldog said:

    I do not think he is underpowered. The perception that he is weak comes from just how powerful some of the kits are (some would say that they were not implemented well) and in general people min/mix the protagonist.

    It has been proven Rasaad is the worst pure fighter class NPC in terms of ability score, THAC0 and many other things. He is underpowered for like 80% of the game and then he becomes average only if you stack him with items that would make other NPC's far better.

    Used to defend Rasaad but he simply sucks. They should of given a THAC0 bonus to his stunning blow or whatever it's called
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    @Bhaaldog Monks are pretty unequivocally weak at low levels compared to any unkitted base class apart from perhaps the mage. Monks and mages are admittedly meant to be weak early on to compensate for their ungodly awesomeness at higher levels, but whatever.

    Compared to pure fighters, thieves, priests, bards (bards ffs!), druids, paladins and rangers - monks are very weak at BG1 levels.

    The best praise I have heard of Rasaad (aside from his character, which a lot of people like) is that he becomes situationally useful and less squishy when geared up and near the XP cap.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Bhaaldog and @bigdogchris I definitely see what you're saying, however I'm not really trying to compare Rasaad to my "OP" protagonist (Cleric/Mage or Fighter/Mage; neither of which have the "OP" stats I'm sure you mean); although I can definitely understand why you might think I would make an OP protagonist from my topic name.

    My biggest gripe (which I should have illustrated much better in my initial post) is the fact that you HAVE to recruit him and KEEP him in the party until you reach Baldur's Gate, to where you can obtain the final quest for Rasaad and obtain that wonderful belt which gives an alternative to the ogre power gauntlets.

    @Nonnahswriter I like how you contered my initial posting, and when I was using him, I was using him in much the same way, mostly against archers (giving rasaad that belt and those boots make him amazing against them) and mages who they can rush, although their ability against mages is also somewhat skewed...

    Lastly, every NPC (and I do emphasize NPC) is useful in most if not all situations. Rasaad is not. He is useful in few to some... basically only the ones that have archers (He killed those amazons quite nicely I must say) but there's a chunk of the game where I found that he's very difficult to fit in...

    I'm not saying he sucks... I'm more saying that it would have been better (from my own perspective) if the devs went for a different NPC idea, and put Rasaad in BG2...
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336

    I hear ya. One of the reasons I avoided Rasaad is because you need to have him in your party for a long time before you get the quest. He didn't work out with the way I designed my party.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @bigdogchris Well I have a good question for you then. I am genuinely asking how you would design your party that Rasaad actually works well in most if not all situations. I'm asking this because I'm sure I have not thought of everything, and if there is a way to travel around with him to where he is basically seamless, I would love to know when that is.
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  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I secretly suspect they put Rasaad in BG1 instead of 2 only because monks weren't available in BG1 vanilla. Every single new NPC is a class/kit previously unavailable, just to have something exciting going on.

    But you are absolutely right: that decision was a mistake. Monks are hilarious fun past level 15 or so, but before that they just feel... sloppy. Reloading 10 times because a random Kobold two-shots Rashaad is not exactly fun, no matter how interesting a character he is - and I for one don't even think he really is. The story is okay, but a bit too generic for my taste.

    There is no argument about his stats, though: they are plain and simple horrible. You don't need a god-sired monstrosity like CHARNAME as comparison either, there's just something wrong with R-dawg's rolls. Giving a weak class weak rolls, too? I'm not sure whose genius idea that was, but...

    Or maybe it's all part of an elaborate plan to add controversy into the community, incite some heated discussions, generate vivid debate! Ooooh, clever, Beamdog, clever indeed! >_>
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552
    So if he is really that weak and boring, just shadowkeep him some fun and balancing skills/spells/whatever. It is not like we all haven't been finishing the game in a "fair" manner at least 3 times already.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Bhaaldog Every time I read a post by you in any thread, I am either awed by your resevoir of knowledge, or laughing at your precarious wit. My boyfriend is also awaiting the Mac version, and he is getting more and more upset about how long it is taking, but then again.... he has no patience lol. As per your recent post, you might be right, but I was posting here because I wanted general thoughts and feedback. It's a bit late to just scrap him out and throw him in BG2, so that'd be a silly feature request. Lastly, I'm not really complaining, as I am looking for attention ;)

    @Lord_Tansheron as much as it pains me to disagree with someone who is basically on my side, I can't say that calling his stats "simply horrible" is fair. I would say his stats are moderate. 16 strength and 16 dexterity aren't bad rolls. Granted his constitution is more borderline bad, I still wouldn't say that is too bad either, and later in BG2 might actually become a balancing factor. I am not a powergamer, so I don't see things as "NEED BEAST STATS."
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2013
    Bhaaldog said:

    @Xavioira I am still awaiting the Mac version

    MUST.... RESIST...... SCOFFING AT... MAC............
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Xavioria said:

    @bigdogchris Well I have a good question for you then. I am genuinely asking how you would design your party that Rasaad actually works well in most if not all situations. I'm asking this because I'm sure I have not thought of everything, and if there is a way to travel around with him to where he is basically seamless, I would love to know when that is.

    It would have to be a scenario where I felt that I could have a character that does lower damage.

    My last party had Ajantis as the front character (because of the ability to get his missile AC so low). I suppose I could of put Minsc up front and rather than Ajantis, had Rasaad as a back end character.

    Low level Monks are weak, there's no denying that. The same could be said about Mage's as well. They are kinda worthless the first few levels.

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  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I'll be completely honest with you @bigdogchris I find monks weaker than mages at the first few levels because at least monks can do their business from a distance where they aren't put in harm's way.

    I have absolutely nothing against his character in any RP sense whatsoever, but that's like saying: "I took my baby sister adventuring with me because she makes me laugh."
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Xavioria said:

    I have absolutely nothing against his character in any RP sense whatsoever, but that's like saying: "I took my baby sister adventuring with me because she makes me laugh."

    You mean Imoen? :)

  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    I'm quite looking forward to Rasaad in BG2. He'll doubtless be pretty beastly all on his own. Half your party ends up with giant strength belts anyway and gear can compensate for a lot of his percieved weakness.

    I agree that 16 Str and 16 Dex are by no means bad. It's just that his Str is 1 point off actually giving a THAC0 bonus, and his poor AC is not adequately offset at low levels by the -2 AC from his Dex.

  • RedWizardRedWizard Member Posts: 242
    Overpowered Charnames are fun. The whole system begs for at least some min maxing considering unlike 3.5 you only get relevant gameplay bonuses from many stats at goddamn 15+ out of a maximum of 18.
    Not to mention the fact it's game over if you die, and I'm sure you end up fighting a thousand more enemies than in PnP that are also much tougher because the only way to beat them is by ... killing them in battle.
    And at least you can even rp it because you are supposed to be one of the bhaalspawn's with the greatest essence, unlike a lot of the mudfarmer bhaalspawns you meet in Saradush.
    Of course it's possible to make an average Charname and succeed, but even that is going to take a nice amount of metagaming if you don't want to get squashed like a mentally challenged kobold that decided to become an adventurer.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2013
    Really, Rasaad just needs one more level than BGEE gives him to come into his own. By the time you hit level cap, his AC is already reasonable for a non-tank. If he could just hit level 9, that'd give him 1d12+1 fists with 2.5 APR, which is enough to put him in the same ranks as the most dangerous NPCs.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Well, I think if I played enough with less than 6 people in my party I could actually reach level 9 with him. I got that little mod that removes the exp cap, because I felt like it was just a TRAVESTY that the cap wasn't raised. After three new NPCs, I figured they should have given us at least an extra 50000 per character (which isn't much anyways). I hope they increase it after adventure Y or whatever it is comes out.

    Back to Rasaad though, I suppose if I just take him for RP reasons, then I can't really complain. I guess I just feel like every NPC should be able to hold their own weight while they're shoving their opinions in my face
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited February 2013
    For what it's worth, I wrote up my own little guide on him (here) in which I go over what I see as his strengths and weaknesses, and how to use him effectively in combat. Just one player's humble observations, obviously.

    He can be a fun character to use, if you keep your expectations of him modest.

    I think the fun of characters like this (Garrick is another one) is figuring out how to get the most out of them. I often find that enjoyable, just in itself.
  • ZanteZante Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2013
    Do monks get bonuses from strength as well?

    There's a cursed girdle in TotSC which raises str to 19 whilst lowering int to to 6 or something. I placed it on him but I'm not sure if he benefits.
  • ToffeeToffee Member Posts: 55
    Everyone benefits from strength. Non-warrior classes simply can't roll for exceptional (18/%) strength at creation.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited February 2013
    Monks need to be played like Thieves in the beginning. Go stealthy, at range or at archers and mages. Instead of backstabbing them, you stun them. Same principle and easier.

    In BG2 they become Warriors and only then should they charge.

    Would you send Imoen to tank, even with STR gauntlets? Or Safana? Or Yoshimo?
  • ToffeeToffee Member Posts: 55
    Archaos said:

    Would you send Imoen to tank, even with STR gauntlets? Or Safana? Or Yoshimo?

    Yoshimo is willing...
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Toffee said:

    Archaos said:

    Would you send Imoen to tank, even with STR gauntlets? Or Safana? Or Yoshimo?

    Yoshimo is willing...
    Safana is Ready...and willing.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    edited February 2013
    Xavioria said:

    I'm not saying he sucks... I'm more saying that it would have been better (from my own perspective) if the devs went for a different NPC idea, and put Rasaad in BG2...

    Totally agree with your concept.
    But it's not Rasaad himself who is underpowered, it's the monk class in BG1 setting.
    I think if his STR or DEX were 18, nothing would change - he still sucks in BG1.

    p.s.: I wonder if Dan Simpson would rate him, would it be a grade "D-" or "F" :-)))
  • Archaos said:

    Would you send Imoen to tank, even with STR gauntlets? Or Safana? Or Yoshimo?

    No, but I'll send Imoen to disarm traps and pick locks, Safana to backstab, and Yoshimo to set traps, and they can all use shortbows, which will easily allow them to out-damage Rasaad at a range. Thieves provide utility that Rasaad can't.

    The problem with Rasaad from a mechanical perspective (I like him just fine from an RP perspective) is that there's nothing he can provide that makes him competitive with other NPCs. Anyone with Fighter APR and Specialization will out-damage him while having more HP and better AC. Thieves will out-damage him while providing necessary utility. And let's not even get into spellcasters (even Garrick can throw out a few useful buffs and debuffs). All Rasaad has is a Stunning Blow ability, which only lasts 6 seconds and allows the enemy a save.

  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Kaigen said:

    Archaos said:

    Would you send Imoen to tank, even with STR gauntlets? Or Safana? Or Yoshimo?

    No, but I'll send Imoen to disarm traps and pick locks, Safana to backstab, and Yoshimo to set traps, and they can all use shortbows, which will easily allow them to out-damage Rasaad at a range. Thieves provide utility that Rasaad can't.

    The problem with Rasaad from a mechanical perspective (I like him just fine from an RP perspective) is that there's nothing he can provide that makes him competitive with other NPCs. Anyone with Fighter APR and Specialization will out-damage him while having more HP and better AC. Thieves will out-damage him while providing necessary utility. And let's not even get into spellcasters (even Garrick can throw out a few useful buffs and debuffs). All Rasaad has is a Stunning Blow ability, which only lasts 6 seconds and allows the enemy a save.

    True enough but that really isn't about Rasaad - it's about monks in BG1 - so using him comes down to wanting him for RP and/or wanting to mold him into your group in BG for his usefulness in BG2.

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