Baldur's Gate Actors - Who else have the played:?

Some of these blew my mind.
David Warner - Jon Irenicus
Also known for: Ra's Al Ghul in Batman, Spicer Lovejoy in Titanic, Gul Madred from Star Trek The Next Generation, Chancellor Gorkin in Star Trek VI, Sark in Tron.
Jim Cummings - Minsc
Also known for: Winnie the Pooh, The Tasmanian Devil, Pete from Mickey Mouse, Razoul from Aladdin
Michael Bell - Haer'Dalis
Also known for: The Fear in Metal Gear Solid 3, Drew Pickles and Chas Finster from Rugrats, Zorn from Star Trek The Next Generation Encounter at Farpoint
Jeff Bennett - Xan, Drizzt, Havarion
Also known for: Johnny Bravo, Pip in Enchanted, Dad in Dexter's Laboratory, H.A.R.D.A.C. in Batman
Grey DeLisle - Nalia, Viconia, Skie
Also known for: Daphne in Scooby Doo Mystery Inc., Wizard in Diablo 3, Azula in Avatar the Last Airbender
Roger Jackson - Keldorn
Also known for: The Voice in the Scream series
Jim Meskimen - Edwin
Also known for: The Brain in Pinky and the Brain, Kif and other voices in Futurama, Alec Baldwin in Team America, Narrator in Johnny Bravo, Egon in The Real Ghostbusters
Rob Paulsen - Anomen
Also known for: Pinky in Pinky and the Brain, Max in Mighty Max, Major Glory in Dexter's Laboratory, Carl Wheezer in Jimmy Neutron
Jason Marsden - Cernd, Lilarcor
Also known for: Haku in Spirited Away
Kevin Michael Richardson - Sarevok
Also known for: Cleveland in Family Guy, Captain Gantu in Lilo and Stitch, The Shredder in TMNT, Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars the Clone Wars
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David Warner - Jon Irenicus
Also known for: Ra's Al Ghul in Batman, Spicer Lovejoy in Titanic, Gul Madred from Star Trek The Next Generation, Chancellor Gorkin in Star Trek VI, Sark in Tron.
Jim Cummings - Minsc
Also known for: Winnie the Pooh, The Tasmanian Devil, Pete from Mickey Mouse, Razoul from Aladdin
Michael Bell - Haer'Dalis
Also known for: The Fear in Metal Gear Solid 3, Drew Pickles and Chas Finster from Rugrats, Zorn from Star Trek The Next Generation Encounter at Farpoint
Jeff Bennett - Xan, Drizzt, Havarion
Also known for: Johnny Bravo, Pip in Enchanted, Dad in Dexter's Laboratory, H.A.R.D.A.C. in Batman
Grey DeLisle - Nalia, Viconia, Skie
Also known for: Daphne in Scooby Doo Mystery Inc., Wizard in Diablo 3, Azula in Avatar the Last Airbender
Roger Jackson - Keldorn
Also known for: The Voice in the Scream series
Jim Meskimen - Edwin
Also known for: The Brain in Pinky and the Brain, Kif and other voices in Futurama, Alec Baldwin in Team America, Narrator in Johnny Bravo, Egon in The Real Ghostbusters
Rob Paulsen - Anomen
Also known for: Pinky in Pinky and the Brain, Max in Mighty Max, Major Glory in Dexter's Laboratory, Carl Wheezer in Jimmy Neutron
Jason Marsden - Cernd, Lilarcor
Also known for: Haku in Spirited Away
Kevin Michael Richardson - Sarevok
Also known for: Cleveland in Family Guy, Captain Gantu in Lilo and Stitch, The Shredder in TMNT, Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars the Clone Wars
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Loads of stuff since the eighties, including Phil and Lil in Rugrats, Cubert in Futurama, Janine in The Real Ghostbusters (when she mysteriously lost her accent), and Fifi La Fume.
Also Tara in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, which I can vaguely remember when I was young. And Princess Whats-Her-Name (Earthworm Jim).
Actually on the DVD commentaries for Fututama, Baldur's Gate gets mentioned. Can't remember which episode though, but they start talking about what video games they'd done. Billy West also did some voices for the first game, but not the second. He mentions being 'shafted at the first gate'.
I find it curious that most the VAs starred in cartoon shows...
Jim Cummings is one of the most prolific VAs out there, he's in EVERYTHING just about, in some minor role. Voiced several characters in Kingdoms of Amalur, especially Gadflow is VERY obvious, and several of the gnomes most prominently.
Grey DeLisle was also Brielbara, Raelis Shai, Illasera, and several other people! I love reading her Twitter, she never fails to amuse me.
Oh, and Jennifer Hale (Mazzy)? Totally Samus Aran, from what I can recall. Ahh, the thought of Mazzy running around Zebes.
I actually didn't know that Maurice LeMarche voiced Kif until I Googled him. I'll admit that I actually didn't remember his name, I just knew that Jim Meskimen didn't voice the Brain.
"What are we doing tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over THE WORLD!"
But I see where they got Irenicus's character design from.
Grey DeLisle is also in a ton of games and cartoons, as well as Jim Cummings.
At the end he probably meant "Silence dog, you have no purpose but to die by my hand!"