Major characters with little back story *HEAVY SPOILERS*

Okay so I was looking up a backstory for Semaj, the mage you fight in the end fight with Sarevok, Angelo, and Tazok. The only think I could find was that the character in question is just "James" spelled backwords, and is only meant to be the mage addition in that fight and was named after a member of the staff of Bioware at the time.
Does anyone know what his purpose was, or how he was important to Sarevok, or was he just there as mage support?
Does anyone know what his purpose was, or how he was important to Sarevok, or was he just there as mage support?
Post edited by Xavioria on
You'll notice Semaj is briefly mentioned, but doesn't have a page linked to his name unlike Angelo or Tazok. That would seem to indicate that he's simply filler.
Edit: Also, is Alora from Gullykin or somewhere else? If anyone has any backstory info, I would be amazed because it would be helpful from a certain perspective...
When asked about her past, ALORA reveals that she was originally from Iriaebor. As a child she was cute, outgoing, and dangerously curious, causing no end of trouble for her parents. They tried to curb her lunatic behavior, and encouraged her to be content with home and hearth like other halflings. Alora found this unbearably stifling, and left to explore the world. She quickly found herself falling into all sorts of trouble, going to the wrong places and angering the wrong sorts of people. Eventually she found herself in the city of Baldur's Gate, and it was there that she discovered her future profession: thievery. Wealth was never her chief concern; it's just that too many interesting things are behind locked doors. Her unassuming temperament makes it easy for her to hoodwink the authorities, and her sweet nature has saved her from a jail cell numerous times.
P.S. Good luck on...that thing.
I wonder if there are any other characters that are put in places of major importance, yet lack a backstory......
Given that he's figured out that the Iron Throne's trying to drive up demand for iron by pushing Baldur's Gate and Amn towards war, I suppose he could be working with Husam, but it's also possible that he just tried to rob an Iron Throne shipment and got carted off by Tazok.
He was probably caught spying; otherwise, there's no reason why they wouldn't just kill him. If you try to get Teven to take you to the bandit camp by saying you know "which way the wind is blowing," you'll see that Tazok's bandits usually don't take prisoners (except in this case, to find out how much you know).
Ender was probably not working with Husam, at least not knowingly. Husam says that he and his associates belong to the Shadow Thieves and that he came to the city because of the lies being spread about them. If Ender is telling the truth, he's from Baldur's Gate and doesn't have the same connections or motivations—and as a good-aligned person, he would probably find working with them distasteful (Husam is neutral evil).
As for who caught him, my guess is Davaeorn found him when he followed Tazok into the mine. In the aforementioned scenario with Teven, when you reach the camp and Tazok is informed about your knowledge, he yells, "He'll have my skull for this!" and attacks despite Teven's insistence that it would be a good idea to question you first. If Davaeorn was the one who caught Ender and instructed Tazok to interrogate him, it explains that line (Davaeorn already knows about a prior security breach that was Tazok's fault) and why Ender is still alive.
Now that raises the question, who does Ender Sai work for. Is he a harper, or does he belong to some other type of organization?
Since Sarevok is not yet in the picture as far as Endar Sai is concerned (he still sees Davaeron as the Big Boss, if I recall), the Grand Dukes remain unaware of the true problem.
"A desire for silence isn't the only reason I wear soft-soled boots. I wear 'em so I can tell whose toes I'm treading on. I didn't mess with no Zhentarim. I picked my enemies and I messed with one group and one group only—the Iron Throne."
All those groups (save the Harpers) have personal reasons for gaining the knowledge on the Iron Throne. I figure that following this knowledge, perhaps Ender was personally involved for more than just selling information.