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[Feature Request] Trade UI

It'd be awesome to have a new UI, for multiplayer trades, to be able to right click someones portrait for instance, and click Trade, and then get a trade UI, where you could put stuff in, similar to modern RPG's/MMO's/action RPG's.

It's a great way to "show" someone a piece of gear, without actually giving it to them, it's also the backbone of a fair economy, for BG1, and when you eventually get to BG2, and BG3.

People like to know, guaranteed, I give you 1000 gold and I get this in return, or vice versa.


  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    Pretty sure even in a multiplayer game the party has shared gold.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited February 2013
    BG is not a true multiplayer in the sense that everyone operates their own character. At it's heart, BG is still a single player, party based game. The MP just helps split up the responsibility of playing multiple characters. A trade window doesn't make sense because your party is "one", so there should be no "greed" or anything else that would prevent the best possible gear being used on a character if they need it, so the dynamic is different than what you see in online MMO's and such.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited February 2013
    It does. I also don't see much sense in withholding items you can't use. If your sorcerer got a magical two handed sword, give it to the party's fighter and let him use it. It's a cooperative multiplayer game, not a competitive one. If the party is not well equipped, someone will die.
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • codencrazycodencrazy Member Posts: 11
    True, just found that out last night, haven't played a lot of multiplayer on any of the games in the series, and we had our first multiplayer run, starting the campaign last night. Discovered we could move stuff around each others inventories kind of easily, and the party shared gold.

    Figuring out how to raise dead people though...that was an interesting challenge.
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