How am I supposed to kill those liches in bg2 ??? SCSII installed

I'm trying to kill this lich at city gates area. At the beginning of battle he casts time stop, improved alacrity, dragon's breath and comet = my party dead. My party is at level 11 and my mages and clerics can cast spells up to lvl 6. Is there any change to kill that asshole or should I just come back later? I have nearly done every possible quest before journey to spellhold and I have installed Sword coast strategems II mod and its components.
Well maybe I should go to Spellhold before any lich battles. Its just sad that now I must leave so many enemies behind alive. I have usually done every quest and killed every enemy (except Kangaxx) before Spellhold.
/end thread
For Kangaxx, I had Keldorn use the scroll of protection from magic and hack at him while the rest of the party attacked the summons from four corners of the room (and one in the middle so only one could be caught in any AoE spell). The final form was much easier than the first lich form (given that Keldorn was immune to imprisonment).
Azuredge or the mace of disruption open the door to a lucky one-shot, but you can't rely on that unless you are willing to rampantly reload.
It is going to be tough with 11th level characters but I did beat them on Hard with a halfling kensai and Aerie, Jaheira, Keldorn, Viconia and Haer Daelis before leaving to rescue Imoen. I did not do it without any reloads!
SCSII makes liches very very tough, they usually buff with 2 spell protections and pro magic weapons, which you have to dispell before they cast time stop... that's 3 arcane casters, can you make it?
Also you can't cheese a lich with a pro undead scroll. It's wierd but they cast teleport field and it seems to dispell the pro undead status
For reference I am a lvl 11 sorc with breach and lower resistance available, have Keldorn (10), Anomen (7/12), Jaheira (9/11), Yoshimo (12), and Valygar (9)
I find that personally the biggest problem I face is the Protection from Magical Weapons they put up. if you can't remove that, then it's probably not worth the headache. However, if you can manage to remove that, you should be able to burn the lich down quickly. Many times you are trying to outlast that damn spell, not the actual lich himself.
I ask myself:
*Do I have enough magic to affect the lich? Being able to cast level 6 is required, but if I only can get off a couple of level six spells in a fight, it may not be enough.
*Do I have the protections to outlast the lich? (Potions, Scrolls of Protection of Magic from Ribald, etc.)
*Do I have anti-undead weaponry yet? Not required but super helpful.
Where this didn't work was in the gate district (too small an area to play that game) and against Kangaxx (the entire party has to be there for that one).
There is always a spell to counter another one. With one exception: DON'T use the scroll of protection from undead, else the Lich will cast a teleport field + dispel magic vs which Spell Immunity: Abjuration is totally useless.
As for Dragon Breath and Coment, they should't be a problem: raise your fire resistence to 100+ (ring of fire, fire shield, potion or scroll), use Spell Immunity: Abjuration (a must have to avoid being dispelled) and buy a Spell Shield scroll.
At your level I would first enter with a mage, to tank the first Lich spells, then join the fight with your melee chars that were waiting outside (prebuffed with Haste and some protections) to deal with the Pit Fiend (when it is Near Death don't give it the chance to summon in a second Pit Fiend) and the Lich.
Everything seems to be cheesy tactics, and "cheated" enemies.
Yes, adding spells/feats/proficiencies that were not available to the lichs and other kind of enemies are plain cheese / cheat. It should be rather a matter of improving the AI (with no cheap tactics/overpowered features) instead or creating completely unfair battles.
There are a lot of AI improvements.
Talking about Liches, for example, they use both Spell Immunity: Abjuration and Divination on top of Improved Invisibility. Add their normal weapon immunity + PfMW.
Now think about a way to hit or throw a single spell at them.
The only AoE spell high enough to be able to damage them (ignoring the MR) is Dragon Breath but:
A) we're talking about SOA
Do you think it's better to play vs a vanilla Lich that casts Gate and then tries to kill his own Pit Fiend? I do not.
Waiting for the spells to fade ? ;-)
EDIt : I wasn't fund of the pitfiend attacking the lich either ;-)