Are there any non-drow crossbows with >1 APR in BG2?

Hi - I'm thinking about a (good-aligned, for a change) Skald character to take with a full party through BGEE and am thinking about proficiencies, I think on the melee front I'm likely to go Staff > Two-handed fighting > Halberd (or maybe halberd first), but am not sure about the ranged choice.
The light cross bow of speed would be ideal, as it gets 2 APR and is faster than even the +2 shortbow (useful if I want to "song twist" and get in some ranged shorts before my song ends, then resume singing), but I was wondering if there are any non-drow (i.e. not disintegrating) crossbows with >1 APR in BG2? This is especially important for a Skald, as they get +1 damage with *all* attacks, so it's useful to have a high APR (though I don't want to take darts, until maybe the Cloak of Stars in BG2). I'm likely to take Imoen at the start of BGEE (who has shortbows) and Kivan and/or Coran on longbows.
The light cross bow of speed would be ideal, as it gets 2 APR and is faster than even the +2 shortbow (useful if I want to "song twist" and get in some ranged shorts before my song ends, then resume singing), but I was wondering if there are any non-drow (i.e. not disintegrating) crossbows with >1 APR in BG2? This is especially important for a Skald, as they get +1 damage with *all* attacks, so it's useful to have a high APR (though I don't want to take darts, until maybe the Cloak of Stars in BG2). I'm likely to take Imoen at the start of BGEE (who has shortbows) and Kivan and/or Coran on longbows.
Light Crossbow of Speed: 'The Army Scythe'
It's sold by Bernard in the Copper Coronet at the Slums District
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: +1 (missile)
Special: 1 extra attack per round
The crossbow is a good choice because usually NPCs specialize in bows leaving crossbows for the main character. Later, in the Watchers Keep you'll find one of the most powerful ranged weapons - Firetooth +4 (upgradable to become +5)
By the way, there're several ways to keep your drow items. I liked to use the following.
I gave all the items to Korgan, then as I left the Underdark, the chapter 6 intro started, I paused it the very second the game resumed. Reformed my party and kicked Korgan out. When I finally got the control of my party Korgan walked up and asked if I really wanted him to go. I said yes, asked him to meet me at the Copper Coronet. When I met up with him again all the drow items were intact.
Later in ToB, there are some places when the check for the drow items is made. You should load the game, pause it at once and just drop the drow items on the floor. Unpause and take them back.
'The drow raiders are attacking!'
*Sun comes up*
'The naked, unarmed drow raiders are attacking!'
Cover your butts and run for the hills!!
Great site for Baldur's Gate info.
In terms of lore, the metal they use easily takes high levels of enchantment. +3 gear is far more common for the drow than it is on the surface.
In gameplay terms, it began as a ploy to give NPC Drow leat gear but keep it out of the hands of players. Originally, it just lost it's enchentment, rather than disintergrate completly.
If it has to be a crossbow, Army Scythe (sold at Copper Coronet) and Firetooth (sold at Watcher's Keep) are probably your best choices. All the others are fairly lackluster.