Revised Trials for BG2:EE *BG2 spoilers*

Towards the end of Baldur's Gate 2 (the very last thing before the final boss, even), you face a number of trials in hell, that determine whether you are truly good or evil. But these trials never really made much sense: a single evil choice is enough to drop you from good to evil forever with no middleground, and you cannot redeem yourself and become good even if you choose all good options. Neutral alignments are likewise entirely ignored.
There are a number of mods I like to play in BG2, but most of them I could easily go without if I had to. The only one that I can think of that I always install, and never could play the game without it anymore, is Revised Hell Trials, currently available as a part of the Quest Pack, that fixes the above issue.
It adds a third option, a neutral one, to all the questions, allowing you to pick the sensitive middle road when it's appropriate to your character (or when the reward is better than with good or evil, you silly metagamer), and the final alignment depends on both your original one and how you answered the questions, and could end up anywhere on the scale - though it's obviously much easier to have a good guy turn evil than the opposite. It's also more tolerant to rangers in regard to how easily they fall, allowing a couple neutral or even evil acts, and clerics don't lose their specialty kit if their new alignment is somewhere their god would allow. Paladins still fall after even a single non-good act, though (as it should be).
This is the one mod essential for my Baldur's Gate 2 enjoyment, fixing something that I always considered to be profoundly stupid in how it had been originally executed, and I am willing to go to reasonable lengths to get it included in the Enhanced Edition.
There are a number of mods I like to play in BG2, but most of them I could easily go without if I had to. The only one that I can think of that I always install, and never could play the game without it anymore, is Revised Hell Trials, currently available as a part of the Quest Pack, that fixes the above issue.
It adds a third option, a neutral one, to all the questions, allowing you to pick the sensitive middle road when it's appropriate to your character (or when the reward is better than with good or evil, you silly metagamer), and the final alignment depends on both your original one and how you answered the questions, and could end up anywhere on the scale - though it's obviously much easier to have a good guy turn evil than the opposite. It's also more tolerant to rangers in regard to how easily they fall, allowing a couple neutral or even evil acts, and clerics don't lose their specialty kit if their new alignment is somewhere their god would allow. Paladins still fall after even a single non-good act, though (as it should be).
This is the one mod essential for my Baldur's Gate 2 enjoyment, fixing something that I always considered to be profoundly stupid in how it had been originally executed, and I am willing to go to reasonable lengths to get it included in the Enhanced Edition.
I would be suffice with that.
I don't like the idea of moving around alignments too much though. Keep it simple: Only knock them up or down if they lean too far into one area.
Again, not saying I don't think it could use a change or tweak. Just saying I wouldn't hold my breath on it or anything. Still, I guess it doesn't hurt to express the desire for the change.