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Basic Question: Good Alignment PC/NPCs and Looting. Clueless..



  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    atcDave said:

    I don't remember Tass breaking into homes to steal, of course its been 25 years since I read Dragonlance so I could be forgetting something. I would agree entirely with Imoen opening any chest she finds in the course of an adventure. But slipping into someone else's room or home is a little too pre-meditated for "curiosity", especially if its locked.
    The way I play, unneeded stuff is sold pretty ruthlessly, so there's not much pretense of saving things for later. But it is role playing, if it works for you...

    Granted there isn't "Much" of the aforementioned BnE on Tas' part, but it did happen. Particularly with Raistlin's tower in the second series. Admittedly it was usually in a place that he had a reason to be other than simply the industrial strength curiosity of it all, but still.

    But then at the end of the day, there really isn't that much gold/treasure in random houses that you don't really have reasons to be in within the BG game, is there? Maybe a couple of hundred gold and maybe a few items. But in comparison with the hundreds of thousands of gold and magic within the game, it is relatively a drop in the bucket. Or am I wrong and I've been missing out on yet more loot?
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,452
    edited February 2013
    I don't even know! I've never really robbed anyone who wasn't trying to kill me.

    But I would say that's a completely unreasonable assumption. Apart from noble's estates you wouldn't expect great wealth in common homes. Even wealthy households probably wouldn't be loaded compared to the sort of stuff adventurers are looking for. I could see maybe at the start of the game it could make a difference, like when you're low level and your thief is most likely to get busted for trying...
    Post edited by atcDave on
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742

    My jester wants to claim the mace. Where in Beregost can I get it "back"? :P

    Come alone and at night. I'll meet you in that secluded north west corner of the map. And come unarmed...

    Then I'll hand over the stupifier, you'll be armed and we can watch the sun come up and we'll part on our merry way.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    On my way. And in case you see shadows shaped like people with bows and arrows, that's just really funny-looking trees.
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    mjs said:

    play it how you want to play it. on my righteous cleric of lathander run i did everything to be lawful. i returned the girdle at FAI, refused the golden pantaloons etc.

    however, sometimes imoen sneaks off to satisfy her kleptomania! in beregost at the burning wizard inn, the party rests while she pilfers around upstairs. when she returns with the stupifier and presents it proudly to charname, he's very disapproving and spends the rest of the day talking to every NPC in the inn and beregost to find who it belongs to.

    unfortunately no-one claims it, so we keep it, while posting flyers around beregost asking if anyone's lost a +1 mace...

    Wonderful!! This fits my developing first-run game to a 'T' as my F/M-CG Charname has some Cleric blood it seems as he has adamantly adapted Blunt weapons[Warhammer] as his personal idiosyncracy. I also plan to trade-off Jaheira for Branwen before doing the Nashkel Mines so the +1Mace would be well used. Could also have an interesting Storyline value as Imoen might personally feel -in a busybody sort of way- that Charname would really be better off as a proper Fighter/Cleric with a proper Cleric weapon rather than posing as a Fighter/Mage with the Outlandish [riff-raffy] Warhammer.

    While Jaheira just smile knowingly...

    But is "The Stupefier" only in BGEE or is it also there in BG1/TotSC. Research time again. TY all this is really helpful.

  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    atcDave said:

    I don't even know! I've never really robbed anyone who wasn't trying to kill me.

    That is very comforting to hear. I'd hate to think that people who do rob and murder also play video games like BG. Then we would have another round of witch hunts revolving around D&D and that didn't go over well the last time. LOL...... (joke)
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    OK, my party has completed the SW with no serious problems so far except for Ankhegs and the encounter with Sendai, Delgod and Alexander [skipped the N Bridge beyond Neville].

    I can see my way to having enough GP and Rep for the Big Splurge in Beregost before hitting the mines so I have a little more orientation.

    So far I have only found one instance where adhering to a RolePlaying integrity [Chaotic Good] was irksome. I couldn't justify picking a fight with a certain salesman and thus do not Have 'Web' spell... Shoplifted something from the Nashkel Store but a sense of Geas lingering from the Dream of Gorion made that easily explicable.

    BTW, I really appreciate the comments and would add that the fundamental paradigm of ADD and most RPG games [Adventuring] --which make Thief/Rogue and limited resources the ground rules-- is a bit strange if one feels that the Kobolds, Gnolls, etc deserve any consideration. Echoes of the rewriting of History being debated these days re Western Hemisphere Conquest/Genocides and African Enslavement-Colonialism.

    My party: Charname [Fighter/Mage-ChaoticGood/ Bow++-Warhammer++-Halberd+], Ajantis, Jaheira, Minsc, Kivan and Imoen [Kivan will be exchanged for Branwen before heading into the mines]
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