Atari's Bankruptcy and the Future of BG:EE

So, as most here on the forums know, Atari filled for bankruptcy a few weeks ago. I'm quite unsure about all of the details however. I have heard the filing is just so they can split from their French parent company, but that's not offical and I overheard it from someone. My point being, if Atari is filing for bandruptcy and the company will exist no longer, (US, France, both?) does that mean Baldur's Gate will no longer technically 'owned' by anyone? Now I'm in no way knowledgeable in economics or business law so bear with me. :P
I bring this up because if so, Beamdog/Overhaul could in fact snatch up the rights to Baldur's Gate and thus do anything they want content wise for BG:EE & BG2:EE patches. They could change something that the Atari contract wouldn't let them previously do and there would be no one to stop them (though maybe WotC?). Want Minsc to actually be a beserker instead of a ranger? Changed! Want the intro dungeon in BG2 to be skipable? Changed!
%$@# your contract Atari!!
I bring this up because if so, Beamdog/Overhaul could in fact snatch up the rights to Baldur's Gate and thus do anything they want content wise for BG:EE & BG2:EE patches. They could change something that the Atari contract wouldn't let them previously do and there would be no one to stop them (though maybe WotC?). Want Minsc to actually be a beserker instead of a ranger? Changed! Want the intro dungeon in BG2 to be skipable? Changed!
%$@# your contract Atari!!
Unless DLCs...
If they can change the story I hope they change that sucker.
Oh, wait.
...Like adding professionally voiced banters! Lots of 'em. With sometimes surprising relationships (eg, Edwin and Alora). And to amp up the occurrence of existing banters and interactions, which occur all too rarely in the vanilla game. Don't get me wrong, I'm fond of the BG1 NPC project. (Love it in fact.) But I also want to see it done by a crack team of pros.
I'd also like to see all quests given by an NPC in the game or a tavern rumor (either hearing a rumor or someone actually mentioning that so-and-so needs such-and-such, rather than by invading a home unbidden).
But anyway, those are the sorts of things that can be done by DLC mods.
And if they ever release a boxed version (as Trent said it would likely be a collector's edition) I can expect it to be a game with all the patches and content rolled in one package, truly making it an enhanced edition.
See my reply to a similar question here:
In the latter less likely case, it could potentially be an option for Beamdog to acquire the rights for a relatively low price. It is however more likely that a larger party such as EA would buy it. Another further complicating factor could be the rights and contracts with Hasbro on D&D, Forgotten Realms etc. but I am unsure about that.
Once again, I don't know the ins and outs of the contracts and terms of use of all parties involved, so it might very well be different.
Could you clear up this mystery in a nutshell?
(If I am wasting your time or spamming you, you may give me a digital kick in the nuts)
But yes... sadly someone like EA is much more likely to pounce on it. *shudders in horror*