Plussed Scimitars SPOILER!

Is it possible to get Drizzt's scimitars?
Can it be done without bloodshed?
I seem to remember Cattie was in BG, but it could be a brain fart on my part, or I'm thinking of the CB item in Divine Divinity.
Thanks for any help
Can it be done without bloodshed?
I seem to remember Cattie was in BG, but it could be a brain fart on my part, or I'm thinking of the CB item in Divine Divinity.
Thanks for any help

There are many threads on how to kill him, paste this into a Google search:, "kill drizzt"
Pickpocketing is your best bet. Killing him is very difficult.
Thanks all for the replies
BTW even if you pickpocket his scimitars, he still attacks as if he had them, if you attack him later. You can't pickpocket is armour.
With BGEE there is also an extra +2 scimitar mid-game, and a +1 Wakazashi (early on) and Ninja-To (mid-late game), as well as another +2 one on top of Durlag's Tower, that's always been there (not easy to get, though).
And frankly speaking, I don't understand why was that script developed in the first place if they allowed us to kill Drizzt and acquire his weapons and armor?
@Oxford_Guy, thanks for the heads up, i'm Lawful Evi, so I wouln't be able to wield them anyway, so you have save me agonizing over them
Thanks all for the replies
@ Fiach : Only one of the two scimitars cannot be wielded by evil NPC.
If everyone in the party is immune to Imprisonment (through whatever means), weird stuff will happen. And I mean WEIRD. The mage will continue to follow you around, adding weird, clunky cutscene-like bits to whatever area you zone into. It will also break some of the game scripts in the process! (Note: similarly weird stuff happens if you attack the Shadow Thieves leaders early on and get Arkanis Gath hunting you; he also instant-kills, but will fail if you are immune to death magic. Fun stuff ensues.)
So while it's possible, it's not recommended. There are mods that simply remove this nuisance, letting you keep the gear if you so choose. Which tbh is alright, since it's nowhere near as good in BG2 as it was in BG1. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that at the point where you can get the items, you won't even want to use them because you have better alternatives.
When I look under the resistances section, no fire resistance is listed.
Incorrect Cold Resistance icon shown here:
Finished the run through already with that character, but coincidentally was thinking of starting a new run through with Safana in the party.