Viconia thread has become awesome
As the title says. Why? She was good in the original game, but now she is really mediocre. Why changing one of the best characters from the roleplaying point of view? (especially when BG 2 EE comes out)
Post edited by Cuv on
In other words, Overhaul hasn't "nerfed" her, they've kept her original stats.
Otherwise, other characters would also have to be modified.
Anyway, currently, I'd rather play with a Lawful Evil Branwen (thanks Shadowkeeper).
Viconia's Strength (no tower shield nor standard shield), constitution (crappy HP) and wisdom (no level 4 spell bonus) are too low to be useful.
Magic resistance shines only during a very few fights since there is not much magic in BG1.
She brings too much drawbacks compared with advantages.
I might even consider to change Yeslick alignment to lawful evil. He's too good for not being taken in an Evil playthrough.
Sorry friends.
An example of its usage can be found here. The same image format applies to the images as though they were in-game; 24-bit Bitmaps, et cetera.
So, Documents\..\portraits if you want to apply the images to your main character, or change the portrait of any other character to something other than their default naming system, via EE Keeper. Otherwise, Data\00766\override if you just want to override an existing image without the use of EE Keeper (since that would likely just make things messy in this particular case).
She also has a pretty kicking DEX. Give her the CON belt and the Strength hammer and she is pretty much unstoppable in combat. Throw on a blade barrier and she will cut the resistance to shreds. And she is a full cleric which means higher level spells and abilities.
Plus she is easy on the eyes.
I'd say WIN.