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REVISED baldur's gate survey



  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I picked Safana as my fav from 1 and then Haer'Dalis from 2

    I picked Multiplayer support for what I want to see in the future
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Anyone here actually choose "Other" for their favorite combat style? Apparently 10% of those polled prefer "other" styles to melee/range/magicsupport/magicoffensive/stealth, and for the life of me I can't think of a class that can't be interpreted within those five options. Do ten percent of all BG players prefer to be a constantly singing bard or something?
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Actually... yes. I voted "other" combat style because my jester uses all of the other categories - magic to become invisible to sing/confuse, disabler and crowd controller, proficient in darts and mace, which I use pretty much 50/50. It depends on the battle and party combination which role I mostly play, so I voted "other" to have it all covered.
  • ToffeeToffee Member Posts: 55
    IkMarc said:

    You kidding me? In which country/state?

    Edit: even better, which 5 options?

    The Square Mile, a city in the middle of London.

    I think they are: male, female, transgendered, other & "unknown".
  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    We need a bigger response from the baldur's gate gonna let the redditors walk all over you like this?!!??!
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