Lost track of the TENDAYS for ANKHEG armour creation

I don't think this is as good as the FULL plate armour I currently have and being this late in the game, getting armour thats weighs half as much isn't going to make that mush of a difference.
I am nearing 200k gold from all LOOTS and there isn't a FANSHY SMANSHY magical item of great power I can still buy so there isn't much point in carrying that little extra bit more.
Its a bit silly as there isn't an easy way to keep track of the 10 days - I have gone back multiple times and still no armour.
I am nearing 200k gold from all LOOTS and there isn't a FANSHY SMANSHY magical item of great power I can still buy so there isn't much point in carrying that little extra bit more.
Its a bit silly as there isn't an easy way to keep track of the 10 days - I have gone back multiple times and still no armour.
A +1 prot. item takes you down to the same AC as the "better" magical armors but you also get +1 bonus in saving throws from the prot. item.
But there are also +2 prot. items which will make your AC lower then the "better" magical armors and you also get the +2 bonus for saving throws.
I definitely sold the ANKHEG to the Smithy and remember the dialogue where he said it would be 10 days.
Maybe I should just CHEAT it in?! LOL bloody hell hahaha
Also, your SPORADIC CAPITALIZATION makes me FEEL like I'm reading a SCREENPLAY. Not trying to INSULT you, I just found it AMUSING.
I have been all the way around BG explored every part, gone into the sewers and gone on the sea voyage and back, to Beregost and back to Feldpost Inn and back, surely that must be past 10 days by now.
I've looked through my JOURNAL in every Chapter but unable to find it.
I was considering doing the Gerde quest to sell the Ankheg shells to the guy in BG but I already killed the Ankhegs there and sold the shells to the Taerom - whats the point?
RIGHTEO what is the cheat code for it? lol
When I write in caps it usually means I'm shouting...
About to see Terom after killing a couple of ankhegs so will check the timer... Don't expect a quick reply!
<i>Write italics stuff here.</i>
<b>Write bold stuff here.</b>
For me, I think it is great because Viconia can wear it without reducing her ability to carry items.
Ok there might be some confusion between the JOURNAL entries and the QUEST entries.
I always though this was a Journal entry.
But its not in either.
And also what do you mean by 'changed chapters in the interim'?
I think I sold them all because if Taerom was suppose to say 3 days he didn't, he said 10.