Sure, what is a more logical romance partner than a highly religious medieval bald monk
An unrepentantly evil, self-serving, mass-murdering, Half-Orc Blackguard on a blood-soaked quest for vengeance of course.
Now he's a catch.
Considering the mating choices of some women I know, you might not be far off Anyway I was referring to the self-deprivation of anything romantic/sexual commonly associated with monks
Sorry, but since when Monks in D&D cannot have a love interest? You are confusing the reality with the game. There is no rule that forbids a Sun Soul Monk to have a relationship.
I thought Dorn was one of those romance-anyone types, but you really have to assert some sort of dominance with the guy or he things you're a pansy... or something...
Which is kind of weird because at one point I seem to recall he was criticising how I handled some issue or other, and I wanted to slap him upside the head and remind him that HE came to ME because I approach things in a manner he apparently cannot.
Rasaad gets extra bonus points for being voiced by Mark Meer in my book
I heard the only criteria for Dorn romance'n is to complete his personal quest, although I always got that one awkward-semi-flirting conversation long before that so...
Considering the mating choices of some women I know, you might not be far off Anyway I was referring to the self-deprivation of anything romantic/sexual commonly associated with monks
Most Forgotten Realms monk orders don't bother with mandatory vows of celibacy.
I wasn't actually referring to Forgotten Realm monks for a canon discussion brainiacs
Depending on which part of the world you're talking about, kung-fu isn't all that commonly associated with monks, either. The point is that real-world monk stereotypes have little bearing on a character from another planet.
I wasn't actually referring to Forgotten Realm monks for a canon discussion brainiacs
Depending on which part of the world you're talking about, kung-fu isn't all that commonly associated with monks, either. The point is that real-world monk stereotypes have little bearing on a character from another planet.
Now he's a catch.
Which is kind of weird because at one point I seem to recall he was criticising how I handled some issue or other, and I wanted to slap him upside the head and remind him that HE came to ME because I approach things in a manner he apparently cannot.
I heard the only criteria for Dorn romance'n is to complete his personal quest, although I always got that one awkward-semi-flirting conversation long before that so...