Draw upon holy might innate cast time doesn't mirror the spell's cast time

The cleric spell has a cast time of 3.
The innate has a cast time of 1 round.
Expected behaviour : Both have the same cast time
The innate has a cast time of 1 round.
Expected behaviour : Both have the same cast time

Post edited by Aedan on
In the OG game, the spell is a casting time of 5 (though the desrpition says 2)
However, the Innate is a casting time of 10, same as EE.
Barring the inconsistancies between Descriptions/Actual Casting time, I'd say it was intentional and kept at OG casting time.
To me, it's a bit weird that its the only power with a huge cast time.
Oh, well, it's easily modded anyway.
Why a Bhaalspawn's DUHM ability is an exception is a mystery to me ... conceivably it was an error in the original game, but no-one corrected it (originally or in EE) because no-one was sure whether it was definitely an error.