I just realized something... (potential BG2:EE spoilers)

My elf Sorcerer is romancing Dorn. Does this mean I'm eventually going to be staring down a vampiric half-orc blackguard? Because: Yikes. Also: who the hell am I going to recruit to take him down? O_O

Post edited by shawne on
But that's assuming Dorn is even going to be in BG2:EE...
@nzdawghaus: the trouble is, devs are always under budgetary pressure from the men in suits. Too many lines, and someone is bound to say "We can't afford the voice acting for that, you'll have to trim the content". That risk may be what @PhillipDaigle found "unsettling".
In addition, the development of correct dialogue-trees becomes quite a complex coding job when there's a mountain of dialogue to navigate, and a tricky debugging job whenever any error creeps in. That's also a significant cost, of course.