When You First Started BG

Did anyone here have no idea about the way the game was played, stats, hit rolls and all of the AD&D Rules. I acctually had no idea until a couple of weeks ago. I was always like "OMG WHY ARNT YOU DOING DAMAGE" hehe
I would have loved to read the manual actually... TOO BAD I didn't speak English back then! (I was 8 years old, whereas i got my first lectures of English when I was 11)
Oh and the WOLVES, the WOLVES. They scarred me quite deeply back then, so much that if any wolf hits me TODAY when on level one, I go into panic mode and drink a potion. There's video proof on youtube XD
Losing Minsc, Xan and Brawen permanently after getting stuck in a cave with a doomguard waiting outside
Not realising that garrick could cast spells until I reached about level 7
Killing the chicken melicamp before he could talk to me because Id heard about an evil cleric in the area from the temple and assumed that was him.
Carrying around the body inside the ankheg nest for the whole game because I didnt know who or where farmer brun was
Getting into a spot of bother after fighting the amazons because I didnt realise charm person would wear off.
Right clicking on the stat tomes to "Read" them with each character, then dropping them becuause I had no use for them
and many many more...
I was also used to playing DII, so I was expecting that kind of gameplay
The joys of being 6...
On top of that, we had the old 5 disc set, and one of them managed to get cracked, so you couldnt enter Beregost, but true to my guns, I'd always just go around through the area west of Beregost so I could continue to do the Nashkel mines, and start again. Once I finally realised how to progress the story, I had to buy a new copy. Still love the game to death.
I didn't get that you had to go north first to get equipment, THEN go fight them. I also didn't get how to turn off the machine, though once I understood the game, I didn't do it anyway to get maximum XP.
Still never made it passed...Chapter 3, probably. Damn not being a child prodigy of computer games! Says a lot about the games though, that I've played less than half of half the series, and I'm already counting the days until BG:EE's release.
My first character was Anna Develoren, a halberd-wielding ranger (halbardess? is that a thing?) named after my favorite AD&D character. I always imagined she was his granddaughter or niece or somesuch thing, although he was firmly rooted in Greyhawk so that seems unlikely in retrospect. Holy sh*t, she and Minsc carved a bloody swath through the Sword Coast. Of course I was an idiot so I took the first good characters I found -- Imoen, Jaheira and Khalid, Minsc and Dynaheir.
I was terribly disappointed by what BG2 did to Imoen. By the end of BG1, I had her turned into the f*cking Malibu Barbie of Murder. Shadow armor, dead-bang-reliable hide in shadows, 5X backstabs, boots of speed to lure enemies to their doom. "Heyah, here's your still-beating heart, take a good look at it before you die."
I was never a dungeon master, though, so I was still pretty bad at BG at first, because I didn't really get the mechanics. I remember Imoen saying "oh, I'm so cold" almost every battle right before she died, because I would put her in melee with her dagger. And I remember thinking that thieves should be thieves, so I would have her go through inns and steal stuff. And then I remember Jaheira saying "better leadership! Come, on, Kahlid", and leaving my party, because I didn't understand the reputation system or that party members would leave.
If all else failed I knew a cheat (i am shamed to admit) to get a bunch of one shot necklaces of fireball. So i would locate the bad guys and kill them with fire......
Don't remember much about my playthrough except that it must've been pretty sloppy because I thought Irenicus (in Hell) was only defeatable if you turned into the Slayer too, as none of my weapons were good enough to hurt him, and he regenerated before my magic could do much.
Rather shameful, I know :P
It wasn't too difficult anymore after a D&D crash course that my brother gave me.