I had been dungeon mastering for more than a decade when I went to Gen Con and saw the very first demo of Baldur's Gate. I almost pee'd when I saw it. Now being a college student at the time, it wouldn't have been the first time I pee'd my pants, but it would have been the first time I did so sober. ;-)
Anyway, my first character was a paladin named Lorialis. Having seen the demo, I already knew that the character would be a scion of Bhaal so I thought what better way to stick my finger in the eye of Bhaal than to have one of his children be a paladin. Best character I ever ran through the game.
Actually, my grandfather was quite the D&D addict, when I was a snotty nosed brat of a child he introduced me to the game, told me how it all worked and ever since then I became addicted to the world of D&D (especially the Baldur's Gate series) - Sadly he died of cancer several years later, his final gift to me was a boxed set of all the games (including an unopened collectors edition of baldur's gate 2, complete with T-shirt, map and unopened cards) -
AD&D is the system I learned from. I moved and when I did I left the friends behind that I used to play Dungeons Dragons with. Then BG came out and it solved my game playing needs. I've been a BG fan since it first came out. I even kept all of the magazines that did reviews of the IE game series as well.
Actually, my grandfather was quite the D&D addict, when I was a snotty nosed brat of a child he introduced me to the game, told me how it all worked and ever since then I became addicted to the world of D&D (especially the Baldur's Gate series) - Sadly he died of cancer several years later, his final gift to me was a boxed set of all the games (including an unopened collectors edition of baldur's gate 2, complete with T-shirt, map and unopened cards) -
@Mystra What an awesome grandpa, that's my goal when growing old :P I'm saving all my old-school game boxes and giving them to my grandkids like "Now there sonny, I think it's time I passed on the family legacy to you..." hoisting up a big pirate-treasure chest filled with Black Isle and Bioware gems. At first I'm sure there will be some resistance, simply because the games don't involve holographic simulations or whatever the kids will be into, but once he sits down and gives the games a chance - just for his ol' half-senile grandpa's sake, he'll slowly get into it and I'll be standing and watching that flame alight in his eyes when he kills his first Gibberling... then I can die in peace. Seriously tho, if the kid hates the games, I'd go berserk - still screaming "go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes raaaghh!!" when they take me away to the old-folks home by force.
I was 9 and barely knew any english. I still have some of my saves from '98, where after half a year of ingame playtime I had somehow managed to reach the Nashkel Mines.
My mind was absolutely blown by that game. I didn't understand anything, but I felt fear and wonder everywhere I went. I was in absolute awe. I'd give alot to experience that time again.
@Winthal and @Corvino : Why don't you post that same "rules for BG beginners" guide in its own thread, so more people will see it and we can maybe get that sticky. It would be a shame to let all that work stay buried in a thread that isn't really about rules per se.
I never really tried BG when it came out. Jumped into the saga from BG2 and onward, and at that point I had already played AD&D for a number of years.. So it went rather smooth..
On the plus side is that BG:EE will be my first trip trough the first part of this awesome story.. I simply cant wait to get started
I never really tried BG when it came out. Jumped into the saga from BG2 and onward, and at that point I had already played AD&D for a number of years.. So it went rather smooth..
On the plus side is that BG:EE will be my first trip trough the first part of this awesome story.. I simply cant wait to get started
Im kind of jealous you right now.... yep... im very jealous!! for you its like a brand new Infinity Engine RPG being released!!
I was a new PnP player those days. When i saw its trailer (where one warrior got struck with lighting due to wearing a plate mail) i was sold. Then found a copy of the game played it. Even with my troubled ancient rig( 16MB Pent 166 MMX...) ı managed to play it.
After the death of Gorion, we met Elminister(?!?) on our first step, first feint, and also getting and dictionary to decipher his" Ye olde" common. "Stay thy course to indulge an old man"
Found my first magical loot hidden on a rock after conversation with Elmy. Ring of Protection +1 how i love thee...
And found my first ogre on that map. DAT OGRE. So many pain.. Kited him with potion of speeds and our sh*tty bows.
After that 3 events i just couldnt let the game go. Finished nearly with all classses and roleplayed for a long time. Especially with my thieving party.
lol I was about 11, when I was introduced to BG through my best friend, which we both had no idea about the rules in the game. He was under the impression that it was like Diablo, and I believed higher AC meant more dodging. (You could imagine my frustration when I would see heavy armors push my fighter into the negatives.)
It wasn’t till about a year or so later, I took the BG manual to school for reading time and I began to understand the rules. Sadly, I still didn’t understand the 2nd Edition HP rules until after I learned 3rd Edition from a guy on NwN. He was nice enough to explain the difference between 2E and 3E. XD
My wife bought it for me for Christmas the year it came out. I'd been playing the Gold Box games, but I hadn't even heard of BG. WHen I played it, I'd never seen anything like it. My second son was born about a month after, and I ended up playing a lot while on my paternity leave for the next month, with him sleeping on my lap. Nevertheless, it still took me nearly a year to finish it (having two small kids and a software job pretty much kills your leisure time!).
All these years later, I've played a lot of games, some of them marvelous. In my career, I've even risen to a management position in Xbox Live (Smartglass), so I get pretty heavy game exposure. It's cool that, despite all that, a redo of a 13+ year old game that I played at one of the most special times of my life is filling me with such anticipation. Cool, and kudos to everyone working on it!
Had no D&D knowledge before I played BG at release. Read the manual though and figured it out pretty quick to at least play the game moderately well on core difficulty. I don't think that I got close to "peaking" at the game until I did at least a few play-throughs though.
I remember I watched my older cousin playing around in Baldur's Gate (the city itself), while teaching me how to play). I must've only been 10 or 11, I'm 17 now, and I'm still in love with this game.
I started with a Human Ranger, only got to Friendly Arms Inn before restarting lol. Sad to say, the first time I finally completed Baldur's Gate was last year, which means I tried to beat the game for 7-8 years :P
I didn't know things like how useless Dex is until 15, etc. Or that you could redistribute your stats. Ended up investing poorly in everything and getting back nothing from anything.
Did anyone here have no idea about the way the game was played, stats, hit rolls and all of the AD&D Rules. I acctually had no idea until a couple of weeks ago. I was always like "OMG WHY ARNT YOU DOING DAMAGE" hehe
I was first exposed to D&D by BG. So, yes, I learned it all by playing.
Anyway, my first character was a paladin named Lorialis. Having seen the demo, I already knew that the character would be a scion of Bhaal so I thought what better way to stick my finger in the eye of Bhaal than to have one of his children be a paladin. Best character I ever ran through the game.
My mind was absolutely blown by that game. I didn't understand anything, but I felt fear and wonder everywhere I went. I was in absolute awe. I'd give alot to experience that time again.
On the plus side is that BG:EE will be my first trip trough the first part of this awesome story.. I simply cant wait to get started
damn you!
I had not really thought about it that way.. but yes.. you are right.. Now the wait time just got a tad worse.. thank you
Cant wait to get my hands on that game.. im gonna make a paladin!! no wait.. a mage.. no wait.. what about... ARG!!
Then found a copy of the game played it. Even with my troubled ancient rig( 16MB Pent 166 MMX...) ı managed to play it.
After the death of Gorion, we met Elminister(?!?) on our first step, first feint, and also getting and dictionary to decipher his" Ye olde" common. "Stay thy course to indulge an old man"
Found my first magical loot hidden on a rock after conversation with Elmy. Ring of Protection +1 how i love thee...
And found my first ogre on that map. DAT OGRE. So many pain.. Kited him with potion of speeds and our sh*tty bows.
After that 3 events i just couldnt let the game go. Finished nearly with all classses and roleplayed for a long time. Especially with my thieving party.
It wasn’t till about a year or so later, I took the BG manual to school for reading time and I began to understand the rules. Sadly, I still didn’t understand the 2nd Edition HP rules until after I learned 3rd Edition from a guy on NwN. He was nice enough to explain the difference between 2E and 3E. XD
I didnt have much fun until I revisited the series a few years later
All these years later, I've played a lot of games, some of them marvelous. In my career, I've even risen to a management position in Xbox Live (Smartglass), so I get pretty heavy game exposure. It's cool that, despite all that, a redo of a 13+ year old game that I played at one of the most special times of my life is filling me with such anticipation. Cool, and kudos to everyone working on it!
I started with a Human Ranger, only got to Friendly Arms Inn before restarting lol. Sad to say, the first time I finally completed Baldur's Gate was last year, which means I tried to beat the game for 7-8 years :P