Party items and Jon Irenicus

Hi to all! I just finished Bg ee!
its time for me to think about bg2! I will for sure wait bg 2 ee and not go straight to bg2 i want know what items Jon Irenicus let Charname keep on himself instead what others he will rob from you and sell asap for quick money
I think that golden pantaloons will be let on you, also because Jon Irenicus don't want see a charname naked in his lab
its time for me to think about bg2! I will for sure wait bg 2 ee and not go straight to bg2 i want know what items Jon Irenicus let Charname keep on himself instead what others he will rob from you and sell asap for quick money

I think that golden pantaloons will be let on you, also because Jon Irenicus don't want see a charname naked in his lab

Oh and about my question someone can help me ?
Instead another item will be in the same dungeon? What is this item? Its chosen randomly? Or its another item? I don't want start a new game i will simply import my characters
We don't know how BG2:EE will deal with this, though it is not unreasonable to expect something new there.
Another thing: what abour your reputation? Surely that is not something that CHARNAME can be stripped off so easily, so a 20-rep party from BG1 should start with the same rep in BG2, no?
It can be explained this way: the reputation in the region of BG1 means nothing in the different country such as Amn.
It'll be great if the devs tell us about the transferring of the main charater and his items before BG2:EE is released.
My first problem about it, its because i am already in front of the Sarevok Dungeon and ready to own him, but i realize that i don't have purchase some great items from Thalantir the mage in high hedge, archmage robe and others.
So i don't know if its worth the trouble to come back to him and purchase all the items.
Oh and i really want to know, because i was thinking to build a mage that can be equipped with the Claw of Kazgaroth +1 AC +4 vs. missles, all saving throws at +3 except -4 vs. Death, -2 Constitution and i want put an extra constitution point (this mean 17 + 1 from tome of const = 18) but if the claw of Kazgaroth will stay in bg ee my effort will be utterly pointless
1) The Golden Pantaloons carry over if you had them in inventory at the end of BG1.
2) One of the following list (in this order) will also carry over if you had it with you: Helm of Balduran, Claw of Kazgaroth, Horn of Kazgaroth, Koveras' Ring of Protection +1. If you didn't carry any of them, then you get the Helm of Balduran as a default. Usually the Helm of Balduran is by far the most useful of these, so the default is fine, although for a few specific character builds it might be worth taking the Claw of Kazgaroth instead.
3) One of the following list (in this order) will also carry over if you had it with you: Protector of the Second (Leather +2), Mail of the Dead (Chain +2), Fallorain's Plate (Plate +1), Chainmail +3. If you didn't carry any of them, then you get the Mail of the Dead as a default. This time the default is not ideal, it's usually better to take one of the other choices (but which one depends upon the class of your character, or if none of them suit your own character then Chainmail +3 is probably going to be useful to someone in your BG2 party and it has the best cash value if you want to sell instead).
Note that all items for carrying over must be carried (or worn) by your Charname. It doesn't count if some other party member has them.
The carry-over of the Golden Pantaloons must surely remain unchanged, so that the Pantaloons Easter Egg will still work in BG2ee.
HOWEVER, it wouldn't be at all surprising if the BG2ee devs changed the lists for the other two carry-over items, in particular to allow one or two of the newly-introduced items to be carried over. I think the contractual obligation to maintain original content will mean that all of the existing carry-over options must remain, but they're probably allowed to add to the lists. For example, you find the Magma Bulwark (Plate +2) so late in BGee that it's pretty pointless, unless they're planning on allowing it to carry over into BG2ee ... so I reckon that's probably what they're going to do.
"Golem": Yes, master!
"CHARNAME": Drop all gear on the floor
"Golem": Master the gear is just disappear
"Irenicus": Oh well in that case nevermind! Go to check those nymph we just captured
"Golem": As you wish, Master!
Perhaps in BG2ee, they'll fix it to block this exploit. We shall see in due course. (I hope they do block it, because cheating to keep all your great end-of-BG1 equipment makes the first stages of BG2 far too easy.)
(I realize we'd still be in the land of the Unbalanced Early Game with that "solution" - seemingly sanctioned as well - it's just that I've been obsessing over dagger wielding charnames lately - assassins, blades, even kensais - and neither of them can sleep without clutching that non-BG2, venom-y thing)
If only it didn't look so daft.
And then if you kill him again and take his stuff one more time, some mage dude teleports in and steals from from you.
Please don't kill my little fairy dragon on me ;(
@Sylph @Bigfish I'm confident that they will address this somehow, as this is a concern created by their alterations to BG and so it shouldn't be a problem to alter the BG2 import process to take it into account.
For example, having given him ** in halberds (or ** in longbows) I don't want to find out when I meet him BG2:EE he has ** in bastard-swords or even * in long-swords and * in SWS.
It would have more sense if Rasaad, Neera and Dorn at the start of BG2:EE have those proficiencies you gave them in BG:EE. And I'm not talking about the vanilla NPCs, only about the new content.