Bug or Intended effect? Fighter/druid and weapons

So i make a Fighter/Druid, i put proficiency in Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-to and when i walk into the inn i can buy a Scimitar and a Wakizashi but a Ninja-to is un-equipable. Seems odd, is this working as intended?
But yes, it's certainly intended behaviour that druids can't use all of the scimitar/wakizashi/ninjato category.
*) used by samuraii
**) used by ninja, but requires a feet
Of course, the whole thing is a somewhat goofy interpretation of PnP druids wielding sickles for ritual purposes... so who's to say what exactly the druids are supposed to be able to use.
All in all, weapons and armours for druids have always been a bit of a mess, as they have been given weapons which developers of the PnP game felt that fit into a druid. But they had a lot of inconsistencies. For example, they say that druids cant use anything not living or that it has not lived (because druids take care of nature, of living things) but, are stones (used for the sling) living objects? Of course, not. Same goes for studded leather, which has metalic bands. Or sickles or spears, which have metal components. And all this doesnt explain why druids arent proficient with bows, for example. Bows fit perfectly into a druid type, as it is a very old, nature weapon (used to hunt) and made all of living or things which have lived (except for arrow heads, bute ven then you can make them out of hardened Wood)
All in all, a bit of a mess.