The code rewrite.

I've read tweets and searched the forums about this code rewrite that, if I understand correctly, Cam at Beamdog is working on. It's all a bit unclear to me though. What is being rewritten and what will this mean? What impact will it have on the game and how will it affect us? Will the average gamer notice it?
/ Jonis
/ Jonis
1. Graphics render re-write. This will improve game performance on things like entangle. (Confirmed to be happening eventually)
2. DX port. This would improve performance on Intel chips with Windows, and also allow the game to run on Windows RT (Surface). (May happen eventually depending on how well Surface sells).
I believe their current goal is to get BGEE on as many platforms as possible, and right now that is Android and then Linux (now that Mac is near finish). Engine changes/improvements are difficult and may come after that.
1) Compatibility problems with some Windows drivers, such as Intel HD.
2) Slowdowns that happens on tablets on some spells such as entangle.
If there is any other stuff being added to the renderer it has not been disclosed yet.
It works.
No more lags during spellcasting.
No graphical glitch occuring.