Feeling like a real BADASS...

So I took on the guardians of Degrodel's House with my CHARNAME alone. Admittedly, she had the Ankheg Plate, Kiel's Helmet, "The Harrower", The Boots of Speed, The Claw of Kazgoroth, The gloves that give +1 to hit, was under the effects of an Aid spell, Protection from Undead, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Oil of Speed and a Potion of Cloud Giant Strength- but she took out all the Helmed Horrors (2) and Battle Horrors (2) and Invisible Stalkers (3) by herself. Oh, and she's a 6th level unkitted fighter. But it made me feel like she was a real badass.
What in-game battles made you feel like your character was a real badass now?
What in-game battles made you feel like your character was a real badass now?
Like a boss ;D
It won't make you feel that great of yourself, though.
That happened in my first BP playthrough and I didn't know I could talk to someone to get hints about the next challenge, which made it all the more disappointing.
along with a blade, cleric of lothander, wild mage, swashbuckler and inquisitor i also had a kensai who by the fire giant fight, pretty much soloed the big bastard while everyone else fought the fire elementals.
i cast spirit armour on him, defensive harmony, protection from evil and used the improved cloak of protection (that is so broken) and kai and he was hitting for 23 with 6 apr
he then single handedly took on rakeshar and majorly contributed to killing baeloth. the battle was over so so quickly
I find destroying enemies with a halfling to be fun like that regardless of class.
Did I already mention what a total badass I am?
But shortly before I took a break from playing BG(T) I was very impressed with a half-orc Cleric-Thief build that got massive damage on backstabs with a quarterstaff. Some of the crits were astounding. And he followed up well in melee afterward too. He wasn't quite as fun in ToB where he couldn't backstab anymore, but HLAs made up for it. (I liked him so much I started a NPC mod for him, but I'm waiting for BG2:EE to resume it.)
I soloed BG1 once with a NE Cleric/Mage and I was actually surprised at how formidable he was. I played smart evil to the hilt. I had expected it would be a tough go. But this fellow worked every angle and actually he kind of sailed through the game. I can't remember how he did it now, but he completely owned Davaeorn. I remember feeling then, okay this character is pretty badass.
Felt good then, but then I retroactively felt badass when I found out what an obstacle it proved to some.
I felt like a badass during the fight with Aec'Letec. I used a fighter to lure him in a corner, drank a potion of invisibility, then ran away. With the demon safely tucked into the corner, my PC unleashed a barrage of spells (ice storm, magic missile, melf's acid arrows, skull trap) against those cult guards.
I know they were standing still, but it was so fun just to blast them all with spells.
I also had to give him the cursed goblet from Durlag's tower since generic health pots just didn't cut it.
It did feel pretty good afterwards.
Though, by reading this, I must confess it is bolstered for this fight, obviously.
BTW, if you want to protect yourself against it, you should drink a potion of mirrored eyes or cast a protection vs petrification on your party.
Though, it can be dispelled by the magic dispell spell ;-)
The battle with the 6 Lost Followers of Bane is a monsterfight. Raising them from the dead, you fight a half demon-half storm giant, a duergar warrior king who drinks acid and bathes in lava, an archer on crack who never misses, a monk who was hurt so often, he was immune to damage and pain, a cleric who summons hordes of undead and a wizard who summons tons of demons before bombarding everything with spells.
I set up my party, summoned elder elementals next to where the casters would rise, buffed everyone to the point where they were vomiting up magic power and summoned the Followers.
The battle was chaotic and filled with last-minute potion chugging and summoning reinforcements while the Followers cut down everything in their path. Eventually, my paladin cut down the demongiant, but was promptly killed by the duergar.
Only two were left, my gnomish illusionist and the duergar warrior king, who's hitpoints were barely at Injured. Fireballs, acid arrows, nothing helped. Only magic damage. So the small gnome ran around like a retard while a berserking zombie-dwarflord raced after him, recasting Mirror Image and Haste, throwing Magic Missles, Force Missles, Horrid Wilting, whatever I could find. Finally, with only a Mage Armour to protect him, he shot his last Magic Missle, killing the duergar and vanquishing the Lost Followers forever.
He got ALL the ladies after that, of course.
Imoen was 6th lvl and had The Whistling Sword (+2 short sword for those that don't know), which isn't much due to her 9 STR, so it only does 3-8.
But I decided to try out backstab on Tranzig since I never used it before. So I walked Imoen upstairs all by herself, positioned behind him, hid and backstabbed him.
She rolled full damage on top of a crit!
The full 48 points, which chunked Tranzig instantly!
I was rather impressed!
Though I don't think I'll ever use backstab again, since it's just not my playing style.
And when I killed all the monsters in Dregodel's house, no damage with my nonbuffed Blackguard