Things you fear

What do you fear in Baldur's Gate?
I personally fear poison, hold, mind flayers' psionics and INT drain, backstabs, "Imprisonment", Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, "Power Word, Kill"
In BG1:
Hobgoblins with their poisoned arrows - They hit often and are extremely deadly. Hasted pure mages that have no antidote potions are as good as dead if hit by poisoned arrow.
Spiders with poison - Like hobgoblins with no ranged attack but with teleportation. I find spiders in Cloak Wood even worse because of the web traps there.
Ghasts/Carion Crawlers with Hold Person - Don't get hit, especially if you are soloing. Nasty, nasty stuff.
In BG2:
The same as above +
Mind Flayers - They are horrific with their psionic attacks(completely negated by spells like "Chaotic Commands") but the real scary thing is their intelligence drain that has no protection against.
Rune Assasins' backstabs - In fact every backstab is scary, except if you are barbarian or
wear this armor

Imprisonment - no magic resist, no saving throw. Demi-Liches cast it almost instantly and from distance. A complete nightmare if you are unprepared.
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting + Power Word, Kill - Both spells are deadly and fearful on their own but combined are disastrous
P.S. Level drains, acid arrows and insects are more annoyng than scary. Don't you agree?
I personally fear poison, hold, mind flayers' psionics and INT drain, backstabs, "Imprisonment", Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, "Power Word, Kill"
In BG1:
Hobgoblins with their poisoned arrows - They hit often and are extremely deadly. Hasted pure mages that have no antidote potions are as good as dead if hit by poisoned arrow.
Spiders with poison - Like hobgoblins with no ranged attack but with teleportation. I find spiders in Cloak Wood even worse because of the web traps there.
Ghasts/Carion Crawlers with Hold Person - Don't get hit, especially if you are soloing. Nasty, nasty stuff.
In BG2:
The same as above +
Mind Flayers - They are horrific with their psionic attacks(completely negated by spells like "Chaotic Commands") but the real scary thing is their intelligence drain that has no protection against.
Rune Assasins' backstabs - In fact every backstab is scary, except if you are barbarian or
wear this armor

Imprisonment - no magic resist, no saving throw. Demi-Liches cast it almost instantly and from distance. A complete nightmare if you are unprepared.
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting + Power Word, Kill - Both spells are deadly and fearful on their own but combined are disastrous
P.S. Level drains, acid arrows and insects are more annoyng than scary. Don't you agree?
"Ah, coming Mistress!" *cringes*
BG2: Vampires, Liches..
+Oozes in both.
And obviously werebears and anything that could potentially summon them.
Level Drain is scary if you're a spellcaster, since it eats your prepared spells, and suddenly you can't cast that high-level vampire murder spell you'd been saving.
Bg2: mind flayers, beholders, vampires and high level mages.
Green slimes - I have to wait a long time before quick saving after I fight one, just so I know that one of my party members isn't going to be instagibbed.
Unexpected basilisks still make me a little jumpy. I know all thier approximate locations in game, but when I run into one when I thought it was further into the fog of war I get a little startled.
Nishruus - I find these terrifying and try to keep them away from my casters - for a long while I was under the misconception that they could completely destroy equipped magic items.
Vampires - Stay the hell away from my priests.
Mind flayer are terrifying, but for good reason.
Hanging around in the drow city for any length of time
Things I am not scared of but probably should be:
Gauths - I'm normally super cautious around beholder types, but I can't count the number of times I've gone: "oh, it's only a lone gauth" and just bumrushed it with my entire party, It dies 12 seconds later, but not before It inflicts enough damage to use up every single heal spell I've memorised.
Umberhulks - Confusion can be really annoying when you just want to fight an otherwise weak opponent.
Traps: Sod it, I have a cleric.
Seriously, something that I fear is something to easily defend against, Basilisks. These little buggers are rebuffed by a simple first level spell (or any of the numerous scroll drops) but they still scare me. if they catch you unawares (and I have encountered them 'Random' between maps, they can very quickly turn your hopes to stone.
In BG2, I whole heartedly fear Vamps. I believe this is the intent of the designers. Their level drain is, as has been mentioned, a PITA. But then, that is what it is intended to be.
I also have nightmares of Hold spells.
Fire arrows coming at me in the Nashkel mines the first time around many, many moons ago. Not to speak of that first trap with Kobolds firing at you, nay luring you to get to them, just behind said trap.
As in the spell.
Self explanatory.
Or any other spell that makes me lose control of my party.
The Mind Flayer city