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Voicing needed

Hey! I'm almost here with a EE/Tutu/BGT NPC mod, but I still need someone to voice him. Here are all the details:
It would be great if those interested could let me know at SHS, but I shall check this topic/my PMs here, too.



  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Well, I could try to voice it.
    I may have some slavic accent (but it probably suit the barbarian ;p ).
    I am not sure about quality of my voice OR of my mic...
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,767
    edited February 2013
    @Kirkor - It would be great :) I'll obviously write back to let you know if it suits the character and will try to improove the quality using the Audacity, if possible :) Make sure you kinda know who you're voicing - in other words, take a look at the SHS thread :)
    And I don't mind accents at all! I believe they make NPCs more interesting.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Ok, so I've made first few recordings... And have 2 voices. You have to choose which one is better for you, because I couldn't decide.
    If some of the lines are horribly acted, I can try to re-record them :P
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