Steam - patches.

i have been sitting on the sidelines now deciding on if i should post something on forums and with the recent patch (2014) i have decided it is time!
I am a massive fan of Baldurs gate, and was lucky enough to acquire a copy of the :EE through a gift on steam from my partner, who in return i purchased a copy for with the intent of playing through the game with her.
now, this is all well and great, and i understand that of course there will be bugs, but in buying the Enhanced edition you are breathing a fresh life into an old coffer.
my issue here is with Steam, now between me and my partner we have spent 40 bucks on the exact same game that everyone else here has purchased, and yet it seems that for those of us who supported via another means (steam) are second thought.
the new patch has still not hit steam, and from what i understand all patches leading up to this one have been delayed too.
So when everyone is saying ''thanks for the patch guys - wicked'' we want to be one of those people too!! instead i'm sat here thinking "F this, i wish i could just get my money back and play the old copy from GoG!" ... but i'm not a fair weather supporter and i'm sure there is a solution!
now i'm not asking for miracles here or for oceans to part, i have asked on the steam forum.. no answer.. does anyone know when the patch will be available on steam? or is there a link that myself and partner can download and patch the games ourselves.
Thanks -
I am a massive fan of Baldurs gate, and was lucky enough to acquire a copy of the :EE through a gift on steam from my partner, who in return i purchased a copy for with the intent of playing through the game with her.
now, this is all well and great, and i understand that of course there will be bugs, but in buying the Enhanced edition you are breathing a fresh life into an old coffer.
my issue here is with Steam, now between me and my partner we have spent 40 bucks on the exact same game that everyone else here has purchased, and yet it seems that for those of us who supported via another means (steam) are second thought.
the new patch has still not hit steam, and from what i understand all patches leading up to this one have been delayed too.
So when everyone is saying ''thanks for the patch guys - wicked'' we want to be one of those people too!! instead i'm sat here thinking "F this, i wish i could just get my money back and play the old copy from GoG!" ... but i'm not a fair weather supporter and i'm sure there is a solution!
now i'm not asking for miracles here or for oceans to part, i have asked on the steam forum.. no answer.. does anyone know when the patch will be available on steam? or is there a link that myself and partner can download and patch the games ourselves.
Thanks -
So don't come here yelling at them, it's literally not their fault. Go to Atari's forum and yell at them.
But remember in this situation...only one company involved in this caused the video game crash of 1983...and Beamdog didn't exist yet.