A.I. Upgrade?
I am SICK of tearing my hair out when the party inexplicably refuses to do what they're told. The AI loves to send half my party one way, and the rest somewhere else... 5 characters go to the end of the zone, the 6th decides to go somewhere else, usually through whatever hazards exist...
And then, my mages like Xan and Edwin (and clerics like Branwen and Viconia) who are armed with slings and darts seem to like to CLOSE to attack with their missile weapons... (i.e. they charge right up to melee distance to fling darts and sling stones at ogres and stuff... which, as I recall, gives the mobs a +4 to hit my weakest characters, who are, also, coincidentally, blocking the armoured guys from engaging). I've had this happen when using every one of the AI scripts for missile fire, the generic, the cleric missile, etc.
Even BG2's AI wasn't THIS stupid. IS there no way to fix this?
And then, my mages like Xan and Edwin (and clerics like Branwen and Viconia) who are armed with slings and darts seem to like to CLOSE to attack with their missile weapons... (i.e. they charge right up to melee distance to fling darts and sling stones at ogres and stuff... which, as I recall, gives the mobs a +4 to hit my weakest characters, who are, also, coincidentally, blocking the armoured guys from engaging). I've had this happen when using every one of the AI scripts for missile fire, the generic, the cleric missile, etc.
Even BG2's AI wasn't THIS stupid. IS there no way to fix this?
Regarding AI, you can try using more basic scripts (like Standard Attack or something), as I believe the more complicated scripts tend to be buggier. You can also try the BPseries mod, which contains a variety of scripts. http://www.shsforums.net/topic/55595-bp-series-for-bgee-goes-weidu/
I've never used it myself though, so I can't comment on quality.
Not that I wouldn't appreciate more user-friendly scripts.