The Ever Dying Battle Scene Ogre

Anyone else possess the same psychosis as me, in that they have to re-do the opening battle scene where Gorion dies, over and over again until the ogre pops a treasure of decent value (usually a level 2 spell scroll that's worth a damn). I also tend to save the game *right before* Imoen talks to you after the cut scene. That way, if you ever reload that save file (which of course you never do) she'll walk right up to you each time and talk about the attack. I dunno... I'm crazy like that. Flame away, lol.
My counterpoint to my previous point: Even as an adventurer with over 25k gold and nothing to spend it on, I compulsively grab every pile of gold regardless of how small. Surely everyone feels the same way?
And no. I wouldn't reload the start of the game over and over and over again just so I could get lvl 2 spell. If I am that desperate, i'd console one in so I can you know, actually play the game.
When he's in your inventory, he's worth around 30 gold! What a deal! Maybe the poor merchant will return him to Thalantyr...