Whilst waiting for the last few months for BGEE for Mac I decided to fire up my old PC version - haven't played any of the series for 10+ years? - my party are all now up to about levels 7-9 and I am in the L4 labyrinth at Durlags Tower. My problem is that my inventories are full and it is getting a little tedious constantly shuffling the contents. The whole of L4 is strewn with gems/rings from all the dead Greater Ghouls and I have just discovered the vast store of gems in the compass room. I remember from playing the games years ago there were gem bags, scroll cases and bags of holding? but perhaps they were in the later games, so I have decided to cheat to acquire a gem bag/scroll case or two.
The only problem is it doesn't seem to work! I have altered my Baldur.ini file:-
HD0:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\
[Program Options]
Translucent Shadows=1
Path Search Nodes=4000
[Program Options]
Volume Music=40
[Game Options]
Memory Access=100
Then I believe you do Ctrl+Tab in the game and you should get a console screen, except when I do it nothing happens, anybody have any ideas?

Then I need to know what to put in the console screen to aquire either a gem bag or a scroll case!
Many thanks
OK, just tried that, doesn't work for me!
Tried it after Program Options - doesn't work either
http://iesdp.gibberlings3.net/appendices/clua/bg2.htm (ignore the fact that it references BG2, it works the same for BG1/EE).
I will be starting the EE version on my shiny new Mac at work next week
Really not sure why it's not working for you if you're doing all that!
Tried Cheats=1 under game options - CTRL/TAB - nothing
Tried Debug Mode=1 under Program Options - CTRL/space - again nothing
Frustrating to say the least, especially as I have just come across loads more stuff to carry in a room near Islanne's ghost
But note that a number of the old cheats aren't there now. I'm not sure what happened to them: This one is now
One here
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate
And another one here (I have altered the asterisks)
C:\*******\*******\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate
Altering the second version allows me to bring up the console...except I now get item doesn't exist!
I thought the gem bag and scroll case were part of BG1, or have they been added in updates/patches?
If I patch/update my game will the old save games work?
Contrary to popular belief, cheatersdoprosper
Not in this case