How many CON do a dragon disciples need?

The dragon disciples has +1 Bonus to CON in level 5 and 15, so when create a new dragon disciples, How many CON should I add?
What about 14 CON? With the bonus the dragon disciples can finally get 16 CON for the max HP bonus.
Or it's better to add to 18 CON? can finally get 20 CON. Will he automatic regenerate HP? and what about the saving throws?
What about 14 CON? With the bonus the dragon disciples can finally get 16 CON for the max HP bonus.
Or it's better to add to 18 CON? can finally get 20 CON. Will he automatic regenerate HP? and what about the saving throws?
I guess on games where you're limited on adjusting rolls or points but overall, meh.
Not worth it IMO, especially compared to the advatages of making your DD an elf and giving the Con tome to an NPC like Dorn.
Some players like to have a high Con so that they can go for longer without needing to rest, but IMO it's better just to rest a little more often.
The biggest advantage to having a higher Con for a DD is being able to use the Claw of Kazgaroth without loosing HP.
But really, with Sorcs/DDs, you have plenty of attribute points going spare anyway so it doesn't much matter where you put them.
Suggested stats for a 93 point build (elf):
Str: 18 (19 with tome)
Dex: 19 (20 with tome)
Con: 17 (16 with class bonus and claw of Kazgaroth)
Int: 10
Wis: 11
Char 18
Suggested stats for a 73 point build (elf):
Str: 10 (18/00 with gauntlets)
Dex: 19 (20 with tome)
Con: 15 (16 with class bonus)
Int: 11
Wis: 3
Char 15 (18 with tome and cloak)
(I'd be much more likely to go with the 93 myself LOL )
Also, I don't think sorcerers can use the gauntlets of ogre power.
But maybe I need more wis for wish in BGEE2.
Str 18
Dex 19
Con 17
Int 10
Wis 15 (use three tomes to get to 18)
Cha 14
With a 93 point roll and just use Friends when you want to make some expensive purchases.
You would be better playing a conventional sorc if you want to go round wishing for stuff.
16 Str
18 Dex
18 Con (plus tomes and increases = mass regen)
17 Int (plus 1 from tome)
15 Wis - (plus 3 from tomes) so can wish rest
15 Cha - (for some reason this is a minimum)
I gave him a pip in quarterstaves just to see if he can survive on the frontline with his crappy thaco, but overall should rock the sh*t. Does anyone know if the spell progression will change? I heard currently they can cast 1 less per day per level than a sorc. If so, that kills. If 2 less, may just play a plain old Sorc.
Sweet roll. I personally might have given up on the constitution's regen or some intelligence to pick up 18 strength instead, pushing it to 19 with a tome for a massive boost to melee power. Not that the class is necessarily built for it, but with 99 points, you might as well.
15 charisma is probably a minimum because Sorcerers are charisma-based casters in 3rd edition the same way mages are based on intelligence and clerics on wisdom. It doesn't do anything unusual for sorcerers in 2nd edition, but they kept the minimum high.
There is little benefit to pushing Int abouve 11 either. I agree, 18(19) str is better.
It might be 1 per round for 25. It's easier to buy a ring of regeneration. (which doesn't stack BTW)
20 CON: 1 hp/6 rounds
21: 1 hp/5 rounds
22: 1 hp/4 rounds
23: 1 hp/3 rounds
24: 1 hp/2 rounds
25: 1 hp/round
Might be able to hit 25 with all the stat increases throught the game. 1 hp per round leaving room for other rings is still pretty cool, if not for RP reasons and convenience.
18 + 1 for BG1 Tome + 2 for DD + 1 for Machine + 2 for hell trial = 24
By the time you get through all that, you should have the Ring of Gaxx, two rings of regeneration, an axe that regenerates, a stone that protects a sorcerer against crit hits that regenerates and a bevy of healing spells and potions.
Thus the only reason I actually think this is a good idea for an evil DD is that the other stats for a sorcerer are so meaningless as to actually make this a better use of points for someone who isn't looking to RP with high intelligence.
20: 1 hp/60 sec (1 hp/turn)
21: 1 hp/50 sec
22: 1 hp/40 sec
23: 1 hp/30 sec (1 hp/5 rounds)
24: 1 hp/20 sec
25: 1 hp/10 sec Intelligence doesn't affect Wish.
In ToB things have changed...profoundly. I'm talking about the 9th level
spell Wish. Being an extremely useful spell that it is, Wish check for
both caster's Wisdom AND Intelligence. So, if you plan on using this spell,
(highly recommended) I suggest that you max out both Int and Wis. Easily
done at the expense of Str and Cha (neither of which will be of any
importance to the Sorcerer in ToB. So, for ToB I'll recommend the classic
mage-like stat allocation:
8/9 Str, 18/19 Dex, 16 Con, 18 Int, 18 Wis, 9/10 Cha.