Would Overhaul do a quick ninja fix?

Just wondering if I have to wait until next patch (eta?) for some fixes on some of the new bugs that crept up with the new patch (really, I am only bothered by the bug that causes actions not to be registered), or if they will do a hotfix to address that problem before the next patch.
1) They are making a point of keeping builds consistent across platforms. While a hotfix for Windows/Mac would be relatively easy to roll out, I don't think the same applies to the iPad and/or Android.
2) It's probably easier for them to manage bigger updates on a larger time frame than several hotfixes. It's not that they aren't aware of the bugs, it's just that in prioritizing things, bugs that are not game-breaking tend to fall back to the end of the queue.
I was a little irked by the bugs that creeped out with this latest patch, but that's kind of inevitable with software development and it's a little price to pay for having so many new features introduced.
EDIT: I don't mean to be condescending to anyone, but as annoying as bugs are, it's important to keep in mind that longtime fans have been, in the lack of a better term, spoiled by 10+ years of games with final patches and tons of fixes done by a very active modding community.
The release of this EE kinda brings us back in that regard. BG has gone from a finished product to a version still going through some growing pains. As I said, it's the price we pay for having an updated game that plays well with current systems/resolutions and adds a bunch of new content.
It's frustrating when things that worked perfectly (in a way) seem to be broken by what is called an enhanced version of the game, but there's a lot more going on than the average user (me and 99,9% of the fanbase) know about.
Me, I'm just doing my best to be patient. It's just a matter of time until most of the issues are fixed and we see a final patch and then he game will be as stable/reliable as it was back in the day.
I see a few folks in these forums acting all uppity about how they are better off playing Tutu or BGT and wonder how is that gonna work out in a few years. With every new generation of computers/operating systems, it gets harder and harder to have a smooth experience with the old versions. And for those saying that GoG's version solves those issues, well, I have my GoG copies to attest that no, it's not that simple.
At the end of the day, this is why I'm so glad the EEs are happening. Because that way I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy these games a few more years down the line without relying on having older machines taking up space and maintenance time just to run my favorite games.
Even given that they were trying to add some functionality with a mouse-down > count frames > mouse-up algorithm, they went with setting a pretty quick interpretation of what a normal mouse click is instead of defining a generous hold-click.