[WeiDU Mod] Silver Staff of Aule

Silver Staff of Aule - Version 9.1
BG Version: This mod works with Tutu TotSC, vanilla TotSC, BG:EE and BGT
Languages: English, Italian, Polish
This mod adds the silver and cold iron properties, and a bonus to damage and thac0 vs. lycanthropes, to the Aule's Staff which is sold at the store in the Ulgoth's Beard Inn, providing an additional weapon able to damage the Greater Wolfwere (Karoug). For balancing reasons, the staff's price has been increased from 5500 to 7500 gold (base price, actual price as usual will depend on reputation and charisma). The staff icons and colours have been changed to make it look more like silver.
Credit and thanks for the new BAMs used by this mod go entirely to @CrevsDaak.
Polish translation kindly provided by @Cahir.
Many thanks to @AstroBryGuy for providing in a timely manner an essential fix when I was too busy to do it myself.
An attempt is made to update the in-game description for the staff, but it may fail if the description has been substantially altered by another mod, or an official BGEE update. In this case the description will be entirely replaced by a new one instead. You will be notified during mod installation if this happens.
BGT replaces the Aule's Staff with the Martial Staff. Therefore, this mod puts back the Aule's Staff in the Ulgoth's Inn, but does not alter other instances of the Martial Staff. Please note that in BGT, unlike other BG versions, it is required to start a new game for this mod to work, if you have already browsed the items in the Ulgoth's Inn store. As a workaround for ongoing games, it is possible to use the CLUA console to get the staff.
Item Codes for the CLUA Console:
This mod uses the following item codes for the Aule's Staff:
STAF08 (BGEE and vanilla TotSC)
_STAF08 (Tutu TotSC only)
ER_STA08 (BGT only)
Installation Instructions:
See the enclosed ReadMe file.
Version History
June 14, 2016 - Version 9.1
The mod no longer causes crashes in BGEE v1.3 or previous version
Fixed some typos in the ReadMe files
May 5, 2016 - Version 9.0
The staff no longer hurts its wielder on patched games
Name of the mod changed to "Silver Staff of Aule"
Added optional component to select alternate BAM icons
Added bonus to enchantment vs. lycanthropes (BGEE only)
The mod is now fully traified
Italian translation improved
Polish translation improved by @Cahir
Revised installation instructions
Several other minor improvements
Updated WeiDU to version 239
The mod is now hosted on GitHub
August 11, 2014 - Version 8
Added polish translation (kindly provided by @Cahir )
Fixed .tra files encoding for the original non-enhanced game
Moved ReadMe files inside the mod folder to reduce cluttering
April 21, 2014 - Version 7
Added custom BAM (made by @CrevsDaak )
Updated WeiDU to version 236
Removed .bat files (because not required with WeiDU 236)
Updated installation instructions (and links)
April 27, 2013 - Version 6
Added Italian translation
Added .bat files for easier BG:EE installation in Windows
Added links to installation instructions for Mac and iPad users
Removed version number from filenames
March 27, 2013 - Version 5
Added bonus damage and thac0 vs. lycanthropes
Changed icons and colours to make the staff look more like silver
March 24, 2013 - Version 4
Added support for Vanilla TotSC, Tutu TotSC and BGT
The mod now attempts to update the description instead of replacing it
March 6, 2013 - Version 3
Minor changes
February 25, 2013 - Version 2
Added custom description for the staff
February 18, 2013 - Version 1
Initial release for BG:EE
This mod has been inspired by this discussion.
Download link: Silver Staff of Aule - Version 9.1
BG Version: This mod works with Tutu TotSC, vanilla TotSC, BG:EE and BGT
Languages: English, Italian, Polish
This mod adds the silver and cold iron properties, and a bonus to damage and thac0 vs. lycanthropes, to the Aule's Staff which is sold at the store in the Ulgoth's Beard Inn, providing an additional weapon able to damage the Greater Wolfwere (Karoug). For balancing reasons, the staff's price has been increased from 5500 to 7500 gold (base price, actual price as usual will depend on reputation and charisma). The staff icons and colours have been changed to make it look more like silver.
Credit and thanks for the new BAMs used by this mod go entirely to @CrevsDaak.
Polish translation kindly provided by @Cahir.
Many thanks to @AstroBryGuy for providing in a timely manner an essential fix when I was too busy to do it myself.
An attempt is made to update the in-game description for the staff, but it may fail if the description has been substantially altered by another mod, or an official BGEE update. In this case the description will be entirely replaced by a new one instead. You will be notified during mod installation if this happens.
BGT replaces the Aule's Staff with the Martial Staff. Therefore, this mod puts back the Aule's Staff in the Ulgoth's Inn, but does not alter other instances of the Martial Staff. Please note that in BGT, unlike other BG versions, it is required to start a new game for this mod to work, if you have already browsed the items in the Ulgoth's Inn store. As a workaround for ongoing games, it is possible to use the CLUA console to get the staff.
Item Codes for the CLUA Console:
This mod uses the following item codes for the Aule's Staff:
STAF08 (BGEE and vanilla TotSC)
_STAF08 (Tutu TotSC only)
ER_STA08 (BGT only)
Installation Instructions:
See the enclosed ReadMe file.
Version History
June 14, 2016 - Version 9.1
The mod no longer causes crashes in BGEE v1.3 or previous version
Fixed some typos in the ReadMe files
May 5, 2016 - Version 9.0
The staff no longer hurts its wielder on patched games
Name of the mod changed to "Silver Staff of Aule"
Added optional component to select alternate BAM icons
Added bonus to enchantment vs. lycanthropes (BGEE only)
The mod is now fully traified
Italian translation improved
Polish translation improved by @Cahir
Revised installation instructions
Several other minor improvements
Updated WeiDU to version 239
The mod is now hosted on GitHub
August 11, 2014 - Version 8
Added polish translation (kindly provided by @Cahir )
Fixed .tra files encoding for the original non-enhanced game
Moved ReadMe files inside the mod folder to reduce cluttering
April 21, 2014 - Version 7
Added custom BAM (made by @CrevsDaak )
Updated WeiDU to version 236
Removed .bat files (because not required with WeiDU 236)
Updated installation instructions (and links)
April 27, 2013 - Version 6
Added Italian translation
Added .bat files for easier BG:EE installation in Windows
Added links to installation instructions for Mac and iPad users
Removed version number from filenames
March 27, 2013 - Version 5
Added bonus damage and thac0 vs. lycanthropes
Changed icons and colours to make the staff look more like silver
March 24, 2013 - Version 4
Added support for Vanilla TotSC, Tutu TotSC and BGT
The mod now attempts to update the description instead of replacing it
March 6, 2013 - Version 3
Minor changes
February 25, 2013 - Version 2
Added custom description for the staff
February 18, 2013 - Version 1
Initial release for BG:EE
This mod has been inspired by this discussion.
Download link: Silver Staff of Aule - Version 9.1
Post edited by Erg on
Yes, it is possible. However, I think it would be best to add the additional damage as optional installation choice. At the moment I'm a little busy with something else, but I will upload a new version as soon as I'm done with it.
Thanks to you for your feedback.
I've uploaded version 5, with a new silvery look and a bonus to damage and thac0 vs. lycanthropes.
Considering that the staff is already +3, I've added only 1 extra point of bonus thac0 and damage, for a +4 total vs. lycanthropes. I don't think the current implementation to be overpowered as it is basically in line with other silver weapons. Therefore, at the moment there is no install option to avoid the extra thac0 and damage. Based on users feedback, I may eventually add that in a future release.
Just installed. It's perfect! thank you!
ps I'm also using your Ankheg mod and will look out for your future work!
I agree with you on this.
Thanks for your feedback.
Added Italian translation
Added .bat files for easier BGEE installation in Windows
Added links to installation instructions for Mac and iPad users
Removed version number from filenames
Installation (Windows):
Extract the files into the main game directory (e.g. the one containing the file chitin.key) and run BGEE_Install_Erg_Silver_Staff_EN.bat
To install the Italian version, please run BGEE_Install_Erg_Silver_Staff_IT.bat instead.
To uninstall run again BGEE_Install_Erg_Silver_Staff_EN.bat (or BGEE_Install_Erg_Silver_Staff_IT.bat)
vanilla TotSC, Tutu TotSC or BGT:
Extract the files into the main game directory (e.g. the one containing the file chitin.key) and run setup-Erg_Silver_Staff.exe
To uninstall run again setup-Erg_Silver_Staff.exe
Installation (Mac):
Please follow the instructions provided by @Nifft and @mlnevese:
I would also recommend checking @subtledoctor tool:
Installation (iPad):
Please follow the instructions provided by @mars0124:
Please note that the above will require jailbreaking.
To iPad users unwilling and/or unable to jailbreak, I can provide, upon request, a semplified version of the mod (without custom item description) to be installed using the instructions provided by @lunar:
- files like BGEE_Install_Erg_Silver_Staff_EN.bat and weidu.exe must be in the same path as chitin.key
- a directory called Erg_Silver_Staff (containing, among other things, a file called Erg_Silver_Staff.tp2) must be in the same path as chitin.key
If necessary, move manually the files to the correct path and then, assuming that you are using Windows, run BGEE_Install_Erg_Silver_Staff_EN.bat.
By the way, which program are you using to extract the files? If you are using just the default Windows extractor you may indeed get an extra folder. This shouldn't be the case if you use a dedicated program like Winzip, Winrar, Peazip, 7-Zip, etc.
If you are using the right path, but it still doesn't work, look for a file called SETUP-ERG_SILVER_STAFF.DEBUG in the same path as chitin.key (this file is created during install and contains debug info), and attach it here (you will have to Zip it first).
Also, @Erg, I think that this mod deserves an own animation, so I changed the color's values with DLTCEP and done this:
@CrevsDaak - because v1.2 appears to have broken looting from locked chests to the point where I am apprehended by the guard 100% of the time. Even if I manage to hide in the shadows before they get me and leave the building and the area, they are still there waiting for me 3 or 4 days later. The expected behavior is that if I go away for at least 8 hours after they are called but before they lay hands on me, they will lose interest and go away. Until such time as I can get on the other computer and test that again to make sure I'm not doing something wrong there is no way I'm updating. Hopefully I was doing something wrong, but since there is no way to back off a patch I'll not update until I'm sure.
I have been told that the expected/traditional behavior is "cheese"/cheating - but that's the way it worked for 14 years and I expect it to continue to work that way. There is just too much stuff in the locked chests to do without looting the locked chests. I already miss out on the several items you can only get by pickpocketing. If this was done on purpose (as opposed to me doing something wrong) I think it was a HORRIBLE change. Until I know whether it was them or its me, I'm not updating.
Still I played with v1.0.2012 in my iPad a lot so I can't say anything (the game is too big to get updated without any free space and I am too lazy to delete things).
@Sojourner I'm glad it worked.
Added custom BAM (made by @CrevsDaak)
Updated WeiDU to version 236
Removed .bat files (because not required with WeiDU 236)
Updated installation instructions (and links)
New installation instructions:
Installation (Windows):
Extract the files into the main game directory (i.e. the one containing the file chitin.key) and run setup-Erg_Silver_Staff.exe
To uninstall run again setup-Erg_Silver_Staff.exe
Installation (Mac):
Please follow the instructions provided by @AstroBryGuy:
I would also recommend checking @subtledoctor tool:
Installation (iPad):
Please follow the instructions provided by @mars0124:
Please note that the above will require jailbreaking.
To iPad users unwilling and/or unable to jailbreak, I can provide, upon request, a semplified version of the mod (without custom item description) to be installed using the instructions provided by @lunar:
Installation (Android):
Currently mods with custom descriptions cannot be installed on the Android version of BG:EE. However, I can provide, upon request, a semplified version of the mod (without custom item description) to be installed by simply copying files in the override folder.
Anyway, if you come up with a moment to include it into new version I'll be grateful:)
About vanilla, Tutu and BGT, I will handle the conversion. This was my first mod and, at the time, I didn't know anything about tra files encoding, now luckily I do
It looks fine to me, but I don't speak Polish, so I cannot be sure
Thanks in advance
I may translate Readme too if I find a moment, not sure yet. I'll let you know if I do it.
Is it supposed to work like this or is this a bug? Any help much appreciated.
P.S. I am using SCS mod as well, if that helps (or not).
BGEE and BG2 Fixpack change how damage bonuses vs. X are applied. Instead of using opcode 179 and applying in the general header targeting Self, they use opcode 12 (damage) in the melee header targeting Preset Target.
So in BGEE (and Tutu with BG2 Fixpack, I presume) (EDIT: and BGT with Beta Core Fixes from BG2 Fixpack), FT1DAM.EFF applies opcode 12, which causes 1 point of slashing damage to the wielder on equipping.
I coded up a fix, creating two custom EFF files for the staff (ER_STHT for the to hit bonus and ER_STDM for the damage bonus). The damage bonus EFF uses the BG2 Fixpack/BGEE method. Here's the edited section of the .tp2:
[spoiler] There's also COPY statements for the new EFF files in the BGT section.
The edited files and new EFF files can be downloaded at the link below. You are welcome to use them, ignore them, or devise a completely different solution, of course. To me, this was mainly a fun exercise in understanding item effects.
I just wanted to point out that the fix is not required in Tutu as Tutu doesn't use the BG2 Fixpack, but its own Tutufix.
Also this fix is required in BGT only if the optional Beta Core Fixes component of the current most up to date version of the BG2 Fixpack is installed.