"I don't have time to bleed!" - Can Shar-Teel Fail Morale Checks?

Ok... I've played evil parties in Baldur's Gate for probably 10 years plus, and I've never seen Shar-Teel fail a morale check yet. I've not played her too terribly long in the enhanced edition, so maybe that changes, but I think that she must have some kind of crazy check or I'm just lucky. I've seen her dropped to 1 HP and never fail. She just utters her infamous Predator quote in all her bad-assery and continues to hack away.
Has anyone ever seen her tuck her tail and run? Wait... that's not a tail. Dang it Shar-Teel, I *knew* it!
Has anyone ever seen her tuck her tail and run? Wait... that's not a tail. Dang it Shar-Teel, I *knew* it!

I'm under the impression that that prevents mundane morale failure, too.
For example, the Durlag's Tower chalice that heals you but causes morale failure can be used safely with any sort of fear protection, whether is be a class ability, spell, or Kiel's helmet.