He may have fled outside or upstairs during your fight with the assassin (Karlat). Civilians sometimes do that.
You can also check your savegame with NI to see if he is still alive and to find out his exact coordinates. Does NI work on Mac? If not and you're willing to upload your savegame I could check for you (IIRC savegames should be crossplatform).
I once had the bartender at the inn in BG where you get ambushed permanently relocate outside. I could still inexplicably buy drinks and rooms from him off the street.
You can also check your savegame with NI to see if he is still alive and to find out his exact coordinates. Does NI work on Mac? If not and you're willing to upload your savegame I could check for you (IIRC savegames should be crossplatform).
Did you experienced this again?