Joia is holding out on you!

I always thought it humorous how Joia in the Friendly Arm Inn, wants your help finding her Flamedance Ring that was taken from her by Hobgoblins. When you ask what's in it for me? (evil response) she says "Nothing. I have no gold to give. I was just robbed, remember?"
Yet..... When you pick the lock on her chest, there's an Andar Gem in there. Also, if you kill her, she has 163 gold on her corpse. She's also worth *900* EXP, making me think she was just lazy and could have killed those Hobgoblins herself. What peasant is worth that much exp?
So in the end, I like to complete the quest, then take her out and grab the coin that *should* have been my reward. That's what evil chickens do.
Yet..... When you pick the lock on her chest, there's an Andar Gem in there. Also, if you kill her, she has 163 gold on her corpse. She's also worth *900* EXP, making me think she was just lazy and could have killed those Hobgoblins herself. What peasant is worth that much exp?
So in the end, I like to complete the quest, then take her out and grab the coin that *should* have been my reward. That's what evil chickens do.
I mean, she wants us to risk our lives for a ring, and give nothing in return? What a douche...
Also, if you want to kill her it can be tough because the minute she takes her ring she leaves the house. What I do is surround her on all sides with my characters before talking to her to complete the quest. Then shes blocked in and can't leave. 2 or 3 hits and she goes down.
Devious, just devious!
Evil!Charname: "See? I told you we should have just killed her."
Me: "But you say that about everybody you meet; you ought to learn when not to kill someone for your own benefit."
Evil!Charname: "And you clearly need to learn when killing someone is actually a good idea! 900 experience!? I could use those extra points!"
Me: "*sighs*"
So what I'm saying is of course that we need to make her a secret Iron Throne spy that puts up a legitimate fight.
Joias xp, wizardry ring, and all other stuff are hidden bonuses for people that play BG for years, and shouldn't be nerfed in any way.
On topic: Now Joia will never see another sunlight on my evil playthroughs ]:->
Somewhat undermines the RP aspect of it though, so was good that it was fixed.
EDIT: On a related note, doesn't she use the Fighter sprite? That seems a bit odd.
Of course, for an evil character, who cares?
It would be cool if she was actually an agent of the Iron Throne, who got the bad end of the stick from the Hobs and was looking for revenge...I wonder if those Hobs are actually from the bandits? Or perhaps she is just greedy, and wanted the ring. Or maybe she truly is insane.
I think she is just what she is - chaotic neutral, and is acting on a whim - those Hobs have a nice ring that she wants (being that she is either an Iron Throne spy, or was approached to work for them), and here comes a group of gullible adventurers right to her doorstep. Opportunity knocks! I sincerely doubt that the Hobs would steal her ring without killing her (and perhaps eating her afterwards, or whatever).
Do Paladins and Rangers fall if she is killed? The knock to rep makes sense (one kills her after all in the Keep, so it is pretty difficult to keep that secret).
The rather large XP award for what should just be a peasant or farmer's wife, etc, seems rather large. There must be more involved here.